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Salto has been one of our favorite robots since we were first introduced to it in 2016 as a project out of Ron Fearing’s lab at UC Berkeley. The palm-sized spring-loaded jumping robot has gone from barely being able to chain together a few open-loop jumps to mastering landings, bouncing around outside, powering through obstacle courses, and occasionally exploding.

What’s quite unusual about Salto is that it’s still an active research project—nine years is an astonishingly long life time for any robot, especially one without any immediately obvious practical applications. But one of Salto’s original creators, Justin Yim (who is now a professor at the University of Illinois), has found a niche where Salto might be able to do what no other robot can: mid-air sampling of the water geysering out of the frigid surface of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.

What makes Enceladus so interesting is that it’s completely covered in a 40 kilometer thick sheet of ice, and underneath that ice is a 10 km-deep global ocean. And within that ocean can be found—we know not what. Diving in that buried ocean is a problem that robots may be able to solve at some point, but in the near(er) term, Enceladus’ south pole is home to over a hundred cryovolcanoes that spew plumes of water vapor and all kinds of other stuff right out into space, offering a sampling opportunity to any robot that can get close enough for a sip.

“We can cover large distances, we can get over obstacles, we don’t require an atmosphere, and we don’t pollute anything.” —Justin Yim, University of Illinois

Yim, along with another Salto veteran Ethan Schaler (now at JPL), have been awarded funding through NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program to turn Salto into a robot that can perform “Legged Exploration Across the Plume,” or in an only moderately strained backronym, LEAP. LEAP would be a space-ified version of Salto with a couple of major modifications allowing it to operate in a freezing, airless, low-gravity environment.

Exploring Enceladus’ Challenging Terrain

As best as we can make out from images taken during Cassini flybys, the surface of Enceladus is unfriendly to traditional rovers, covered in ridges and fissures, although we don’t have very much information on the exact properties of the terrain. There’s also essentially no atmosphere, meaning that you can’t fly using aerodynamics, and if you use rockets to fly instead, you run the risk of your exhaust contaminating any samples that you take.

“This doesn’t leave us with a whole lot of options for getting around, but one that seems like it might be particularly suitable is jumping,” Yim tells us. “We can cover large distances, we can get over obstacles, we don’t require an atmosphere, and we don’t pollute anything.” And with Enceladus’ gravity being just 1/80th that of Earth, Salto’s meter-high jump on Earth would enable it to travel a hundred meters or so on Enceladus, taking samples as it soars through cryovolcano plumes.

The current version of Salto does require an atmosphere, because it uses a pair of propellers as tiny thrusters to control yaw and roll. On LEAP, those thrusters would be replaced with an angled pair of reaction wheels instead. To deal with the terrain, the robot will also likely need a foot that can handle jumping from (and landing on) surfaces composed of granular ice particles.

LEAP is designed to jump through Enceladus’ many plumes to collect samples, and use the moon’s terrain to direct subsequent jumps.NASA/Justin Yim

While the vision is for LEAP to jump continuously, bouncing over the surface and through plumes in a controlled series of hops, sooner or later it’s going to have a bad landing, and the robot has to be prepared for that. “I think one of the biggest new technological developments is going to be multimodal locomotion,” explains Yim. “Specifically, we’d like to have a robust ability to handle falls.” The reaction wheels can help with this in two ways: they offer some protection by acting like a shell around the robot, and they can also operate as a regular pair of wheels, allowing the robot to roll around on the ground a little bit. “With some maneuvers that we’re experimenting with now, the reaction wheels might also be able to help the robot to pop itself back upright so that it can start jumping again after it falls over,” Yim says.

A NIAC project like this is about as early-stage as it gets for something like LEAP, and an Enceladus mission is very far away as measured by almost every metric—space, time, funding, policy, you name it. Long term, the idea with LEAP is that it could be an add-on to a mission concept called the Enceladus Orbilander. This US $2.5 billion spacecraft would launch sometime in the 2030s, and spend about a dozen years getting to Saturn and entering orbit around Enceladus. After 1.5 years in orbit, the spacecraft would land on the surface, and spend a further 2 years looking for biosignatures. The Orbilander itself would be stationary, Yim explains, “so having this robotic mobility solution would be a great way to do expanded exploration of Enceladus, getting really long distance coverage to collect water samples from plumes on different areas of the surface.”

LEAP has been funded through a nine-month Phase 1 study that begins this April. While the JPL team investigates ice-foot interactions and tries to figure out how to keep the robot from freezing to death, at the University of Illinois Yim will be upgrading Salto with self-righting capability. Honestly, it’s exciting to think that after so many years, Salto may have finally found an application where it offers the actual best solution for solving this particular problem of low-gravity mobility for science.

Salto has been one of our favorite robots since we were first introduced to it in 2016 as a project out of Ron Fearing’s lab at UC Berkeley. The palm-sized spring-loaded jumping robot has gone from barely being able to chain together a few open-loop jumps to mastering landings, bouncing around outside, powering through obstacle courses, and occasionally exploding.

What’s quite unusual about Salto is that it’s still an active research project—nine years is an astonishingly long life time for any robot, especially one without any immediately obvious practical applications. But one of Salto’s original creators, Justin Yim (who is now a professor at the University of Illinois), has found a niche where Salto might be able to do what no other robot can: mid-air sampling of the water geysering out of the frigid surface of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.

What makes Enceladus so interesting is that it’s completely covered in a 40 kilometer thick sheet of ice, and underneath that ice is a 10 km-deep global ocean. And within that ocean can be found—we know not what. Diving in that buried ocean is a problem that robots may be able to solve at some point, but in the near(er) term, Enceladus’ south pole is home to over a hundred cryovolcanoes that spew plumes of water vapor and all kinds of other stuff right out into space, offering a sampling opportunity to any robot that can get close enough for a sip.

“We can cover large distances, we can get over obstacles, we don’t require an atmosphere, and we don’t pollute anything.” —Justin Yim, University of Illinois

Yim, along with another Salto veteran Ethan Schaler (now at JPL), have been awarded funding through NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program to turn Salto into a robot that can perform “Legged Exploration Across the Plume,” or in an only moderately strained backronym, LEAP. LEAP would be a space-ified version of Salto with a couple of major modifications allowing it to operate in a freezing, airless, low-gravity environment.

Exploring Enceladus’ Challenging Terrain

As best as we can make out from images taken during Cassini flybys, the surface of Enceladus is unfriendly to traditional rovers, covered in ridges and fissures, although we don’t have very much information on the exact properties of the terrain. There’s also essentially no atmosphere, meaning that you can’t fly using aerodynamics, and if you use rockets to fly instead, you run the risk of your exhaust contaminating any samples that you take.

“This doesn’t leave us with a whole lot of options for getting around, but one that seems like it might be particularly suitable is jumping,” Yim tells us. “We can cover large distances, we can get over obstacles, we don’t require an atmosphere, and we don’t pollute anything.” And with Enceladus’ gravity being just 1/80th that of Earth, Salto’s meter-high jump on Earth would enable it to travel a hundred meters or so on Enceladus, taking samples as it soars through cryovolcano plumes.

The current version of Salto does require an atmosphere, because it uses a pair of propellers as tiny thrusters to control yaw and roll. On LEAP, those thrusters would be replaced with an angled pair of reaction wheels instead. To deal with the terrain, the robot will also likely need a foot that can handle jumping from (and landing on) surfaces composed of granular ice particles.

LEAP is designed to jump through Enceladus’ many plumes to collect samples, and use the moon’s terrain to direct subsequent jumps.NASA/Justin Yim

While the vision is for LEAP to jump continuously, bouncing over the surface and through plumes in a controlled series of hops, sooner or later it’s going to have a bad landing, and the robot has to be prepared for that. “I think one of the biggest new technological developments is going to be multimodal locomotion,” explains Yim. “Specifically, we’d like to have a robust ability to handle falls.” The reaction wheels can help with this in two ways: they offer some protection by acting like a shell around the robot, and they can also operate as a regular pair of wheels, allowing the robot to roll around on the ground a little bit. “With some maneuvers that we’re experimenting with now, the reaction wheels might also be able to help the robot to pop itself back upright so that it can start jumping again after it falls over,” Yim says.

A NIAC project like this is about as early-stage as it gets for something like LEAP, and an Enceladus mission is very far away as measured by almost every metric—space, time, funding, policy, you name it. Long term, the idea with LEAP is that it could be an add-on to a mission concept called the Enceladus Orbilander. This US $2.5 billion spacecraft would launch sometime in the 2030s, and spend about a dozen years getting to Saturn and entering orbit around Enceladus. After 1.5 years in orbit, the spacecraft would land on the surface, and spend a further 2 years looking for biosignatures. The Orbilander itself would be stationary, Yim explains, “so having this robotic mobility solution would be a great way to do expanded exploration of Enceladus, getting really long distance coverage to collect water samples from plumes on different areas of the surface.”

LEAP has been funded through a nine-month Phase 1 study that begins this April. While the JPL team investigates ice-foot interactions and tries to figure out how to keep the robot from freezing to death, at the University of Illinois Yim will be upgrading Salto with self-righting capability. Honestly, it’s exciting to think that after so many years, Salto may have finally found an application where it offers the actual best solution for solving this particular problem of low-gravity mobility for science.

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREAIFAC Symposium on Robotics: 15–18 July 2025, PARISRoboCup 2025: 15–21 July 2025, BAHIA, BRAZIL

Enjoy today’s videos!

A bioinspired robot developed at EPFL can change shape to alter its own physical properties in response to its environment, resulting in a robust and efficient autonomous vehicle as well as a fresh approach to robotic locomotion.

[ Science Robotics ] via [ EPFL ]

A robot CAN get up this way, but SHOULD a robot get up this way?

[ University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ]

I’m impressed with the capabilities here, but not the use case. There are already automated systems that do this much faster, much more reliably, and almost certainly much more cheaply. So, probably best to think of this as more of a technology demo than anything with commercial potential.

[ Figure ]

NEO Gamma is the next generation of home humanoids designed and engineered by 1X Technologies. The Gamma series includes improvements across NEO’s hardware and AI, featuring a new design that is deeply considerate of life at home. The future of Home Humanoids is here.

You all know by now not to take this video too seriously, but I will say that an advantage of building a robot like this for the home is that realistically it can spend most of its time sitting down and (presumably) charging.

[ 1X Technologies ]

This video compilation showcases novel aerial and underwater drone platforms and an ultra-quiet electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) propeller. These technologies were developed by the Advanced Vertical Flight Laboratory (AVFL) at Texas A&M University and Harmony Aeronautics, an AVFL spin-off company.

[ AVFL ]

Yes! More research like this please; legged robots (of all sizes) are TOO STOMPY.

[ ETH Zurich ]


[ BBC ] via [ Laughing Squid ]

By watching their own motions with a camera, robots can teach themselves about the structure of their own bodies and how they move, a new study from researchers at Columbia Engineering now reveals. Equipped with this knowledge, the robots could not only plan their own actions, but also overcome damage to their bodies.

[ Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science ]

If I was asking my robot to do a front flip for the first(ish) time, my face would probably look like the poor guy at 0:25. But it worked!

[ EngineAI ]

*We kindly request that all users refrain from making any dangerous modifications or using the robots in a hazardous manner.

A hazardous manner? Like teaching it martial arts...?

[ Unitree ]

Explore SLAMSpoof—a cutting-edge project by Keio-CSG that demonstrates how LiDAR spoofing attacks can compromise SLAM systems. In this video, we explore how spoofing attacks can compromise the integrity of SLAM systems, review the underlying methodology, and discuss the potential security implications for robotics and autonomous navigation. Whether you’re a robotics enthusiast, a security researcher, or simply curious about emerging technologies, this video offers valuable insights into both the risks and the innovations in the field.

[ SLAMSpoof ]

Thanks, Kentaro!

Sanctuary AI, a company developing physical AI for general purpose robots, announced the integration of new tactile sensor technology into its Phoenix general purpose robots. The integration enables teleoperation pilots to more effectively leverage the dexterity capabilities of general purpose robots to achieve complex, touch-driven tasks with precision and accuracy.

[ Sanctuary AI ]

I don’t know whether it’s the shape or the noise or what, but this robot pleases me.

[ University of Pennsylvania, Sung Robotics Lab ]

Check out the top features of the new Husky A300 - the next evolution of our rugged and customizable mobile robotic platform. Husky A300 offers superior performance, durability, and flexibility, empowering robotics researchers and innovators to tackle the most complex challenges in demanding environments.

[ Clearpath Robotics ]

The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover will drill deeper than any other mission has ever attempted on the Red Planet. Rosalind Franklin will be the first rover to reach a depth of up to two meters deep below the surface, acquiring samples that have been protected from harsh surface radiation and extreme temperatures.

[ European Space Agency ]

AI has been improving by leaps and bounds in recent years, and a string of new models can generate answers that almost feel as if they came from a person reasoning through a problem. But is AI actually close to reasoning like humans can? IBM distinguished scientist Murray Campbell chats with IBM Fellow Francesca Rossi about her time as president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). They discuss the state of AI, what modern reasoning models are actually doing, and whether we’ll see models that reason like we do.

[ IBM Research ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREAIFAC Symposium on Robotics: 15–18 July 2025, PARISRoboCup 2025: 15–21 July 2025, BAHIA, BRAZIL

Enjoy today’s videos!

A bioinspired robot developed at EPFL can change shape to alter its own physical properties in response to its environment, resulting in a robust and efficient autonomous vehicle as well as a fresh approach to robotic locomotion.

[ Science Robotics ] via [ EPFL ]

A robot CAN get up this way, but SHOULD a robot get up this way?

[ University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ]

I’m impressed with the capabilities here, but not the use case. There are already automated systems that do this much faster, much more reliably, and almost certainly much more cheaply. So, probably best to think of this as more of a technology demo than anything with commercial potential.

[ Figure ]

NEO Gamma is the next generation of home humanoids designed and engineered by 1X Technologies. The Gamma series includes improvements across NEO’s hardware and AI, featuring a new design that is deeply considerate of life at home. The future of Home Humanoids is here.

You all know by now not to take this video too seriously, but I will say that an advantage of building a robot like this for the home is that realistically it can spend most of its time sitting down and (presumably) charging.

[ 1X Technologies ]

This video compilation showcases novel aerial and underwater drone platforms and an ultra-quiet electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) propeller. These technologies were developed by the Advanced Vertical Flight Laboratory (AVFL) at Texas A&M University and Harmony Aeronautics, an AVFL spin-off company.

[ AVFL ]

Yes! More research like this please; legged robots (of all sizes) are TOO STOMPY.

[ ETH Zurich ]


[ BBC ] via [ Laughing Squid ]

By watching their own motions with a camera, robots can teach themselves about the structure of their own bodies and how they move, a new study from researchers at Columbia Engineering now reveals. Equipped with this knowledge, the robots could not only plan their own actions, but also overcome damage to their bodies.

[ Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science ]

If I was asking my robot to do a front flip for the first(ish) time, my face would probably look like the poor guy at 0:25. But it worked!

[ EngineAI ]

*We kindly request that all users refrain from making any dangerous modifications or using the robots in a hazardous manner.

A hazardous manner? Like teaching it martial arts...?

[ Unitree ]

Explore SLAMSpoof—a cutting-edge project by Keio-CSG that demonstrates how LiDAR spoofing attacks can compromise SLAM systems. In this video, we explore how spoofing attacks can compromise the integrity of SLAM systems, review the underlying methodology, and discuss the potential security implications for robotics and autonomous navigation. Whether you’re a robotics enthusiast, a security researcher, or simply curious about emerging technologies, this video offers valuable insights into both the risks and the innovations in the field.

[ SLAMSpoof ]

Thanks, Kentaro!

Sanctuary AI, a company developing physical AI for general purpose robots, announced the integration of new tactile sensor technology into its Phoenix general purpose robots. The integration enables teleoperation pilots to more effectively leverage the dexterity capabilities of general purpose robots to achieve complex, touch-driven tasks with precision and accuracy.

[ Sanctuary AI ]

I don’t know whether it’s the shape or the noise or what, but this robot pleases me.

[ University of Pennsylvania, Sung Robotics Lab ]

Check out the top features of the new Husky A300 - the next evolution of our rugged and customizable mobile robotic platform. Husky A300 offers superior performance, durability, and flexibility, empowering robotics researchers and innovators to tackle the most complex challenges in demanding environments.

[ Clearpath Robotics ]

The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover will drill deeper than any other mission has ever attempted on the Red Planet. Rosalind Franklin will be the first rover to reach a depth of up to two meters deep below the surface, acquiring samples that have been protected from harsh surface radiation and extreme temperatures.

[ European Space Agency ]

AI has been improving by leaps and bounds in recent years, and a string of new models can generate answers that almost feel as if they came from a person reasoning through a problem. But is AI actually close to reasoning like humans can? IBM distinguished scientist Murray Campbell chats with IBM Fellow Francesca Rossi about her time as president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). They discuss the state of AI, what modern reasoning models are actually doing, and whether we’ll see models that reason like we do.

[ IBM Research ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, N.C.ICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GA.London Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTONRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREAIFAC Symposium on Robotics: 15–18 July 2025, PARISRoboCup 2025: 15–21 July 2025, BAHIA, BRAZIL

Enjoy today’s videos!

We’re introducing Helix, a generalist Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model that unifies perception, language understanding, and learned control to overcome multiple longstanding challenges in robotics.

This is moderately impressive; my favorite part is probably the handoffs and that extra little bit of HRI with what we’d call eye contact if these robots had faces. But keep in mind that you’re looking at close to best case for robotic manipulation, and that if the robots had been given the bag instead of well-spaced objects on a single color background, or if the fridge had a normal human amount of stuff in it, they might be having a much different time of it. Also, is it just me, or is the sound on this video very weird? Like, some things make noise, some things don’t, and the robots themselves occasionally sound more like someone just added in some “soft actuator sound” or something. Also also, I’m of a suspicious nature, and when there is an abrupt cut between “robot grasps door” and “robot opens door,” I assume the worst.

[ Figure ]

Researchers at EPFL have developed a highly agile flat swimming robot. This robot is smaller than a credit card, and propels on the water surface using a pair of undulating soft fins. The fins are driven at resonance by artificial muscles, allowing the robot to perform complex maneuvers. In the future, this robot can be used for monitoring water quality or help with measuring fertilizer concentrations in rice fields

[ Paper ] via [ Science Robotics ]

I don’t know about you, but I always dance better when getting beaten with a stick.

[ Unitree Robotics ]

This is big news, people: Sweet Bite Ham Ham, one of the greatest and most useless robots of all time, has a new treat.

All yours for about US $100, overseas shipping included.

[ Ham Ham ] via [ Robotstart ]

MagicLab has announced the launch of its first generation self-developed dexterous hand product, the MagicHand S01. The MagicHand S01 has 11 degrees of freedom in a single hand. The MagicHand S01 has a hand load capacity of up to 5 kilograms, and in work environments, can carry loads of over 20 kilograms.

[ MagicLab ]

Thanks, Ni Tao!

No, I’m not creeped out at all, why?

[ Clone Robotics ]

Happy 40th Birthday to the MIT Media Lab!

Since 1985, the MIT Media Lab has provided a home for interdisciplinary research, transformative technologies, and innovative approaches to solving some of humanity’s greatest challenges. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary year, we’re looking ahead to decades more of imagining, designing, and inventing a future in which everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

[ MIT Media Lab ]

While most soft pneumatic grippers that operate with a single control parameter (such as pressure or airflow) are limited to a single grasping modality, this article introduces a new method for incorporating multiple grasping modalities into vacuum-driven soft grippers. This is achieved by combining stiffness manipulation with a bistable mechanism. Adjusting the airflow tunes the energy barrier of the bistable mechanism, enabling changes in triggering sensitivity and allowing swift transitions between grasping modes. This results in an exceptional versatile gripper, capable of handling a diverse range of objects with varying sizes, shapes, stiffness, and roughness, controlled by a single parameter, airflow, and its interaction with objects.

[ Paper ] via [ BruBotics ]

Thanks, Bram!

In this article, we present a design concept, in which a monolithic soft body is incorporated with a vibration-driven mechanism, called Leafbot. This proposed investigation aims to build a foundation for further terradynamics study of vibration-driven soft robots in a more complicated and confined environment, with potential applications in inspection tasks.

[ Paper ] via [ IEEE Transactions on Robots ]

We present a hybrid aerial-ground robot that combines the versatility of a quadcopter with enhanced terrestrial mobility. The vehicle features a passive, reconfigurable single wheeled leg, enabling seamless transitions between flight and two ground modes: a stable stance and a dynamic cruising configuration.

[ Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory ]

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this trick performed by a robot with soft fingers before.

[ Paper ]

There are a lot of robots involved in car manufacturing. Like, a lot.

[ Kawasaki Robotics ]

Steve Willits shows us some recent autonomous drone work being done at the AirLab at CMU’s Robotics Institute.

[ Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute ]

Somebody’s got to test all those luxury handbags and purses. And by somebody, I mean somerobot.

[ Qb Robotics ]

Do not trust people named Evan.

[ Tufts University Human-Robot Interaction Lab ]

Meet the Mind: MIT Professor Andreea Bobu.

[ MIT ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, N.C.ICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GA.London Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTONRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREAIFAC Symposium on Robotics: 15–18 July 2025, PARISRoboCup 2025: 15–21 July 2025, BAHIA, BRAZIL

Enjoy today’s videos!

We’re introducing Helix, a generalist Vision-Language-Action (VLA) model that unifies perception, language understanding, and learned control to overcome multiple longstanding challenges in robotics.

This is moderately impressive; my favorite part is probably the handoffs and that extra little bit of HRI with what we’d call eye contact if these robots had faces. But keep in mind that you’re looking at close to best case for robotic manipulation, and that if the robots had been given the bag instead of well-spaced objects on a single color background, or if the fridge had a normal human amount of stuff in it, they might be having a much different time of it. Also, is it just me, or is the sound on this video very weird? Like, some things make noise, some things don’t, and the robots themselves occasionally sound more like someone just added in some “soft actuator sound” or something. Also also, I’m of a suspicious nature, and when there is an abrupt cut between “robot grasps door” and “robot opens door,” I assume the worst.

[ Figure ]

Researchers at EPFL have developed a highly agile flat swimming robot. This robot is smaller than a credit card, and propels on the water surface using a pair of undulating soft fins. The fins are driven at resonance by artificial muscles, allowing the robot to perform complex maneuvers. In the future, this robot can be used for monitoring water quality or help with measuring fertilizer concentrations in rice fields

[ Paper ] via [ Science Robotics ]

I don’t know about you, but I always dance better when getting beaten with a stick.

[ Unitree Robotics ]

This is big news, people: Sweet Bite Ham Ham, one of the greatest and most useless robots of all time, has a new treat.

All yours for about US $100, overseas shipping included.

[ Ham Ham ] via [ Robotstart ]

MagicLab has announced the launch of its first generation self-developed dexterous hand product, the MagicHand S01. The MagicHand S01 has 11 degrees of freedom in a single hand. The MagicHand S01 has a hand load capacity of up to 5 kilograms, and in work environments, can carry loads of over 20 kilograms.

[ MagicLab ]

Thanks, Ni Tao!

No, I’m not creeped out at all, why?

[ Clone Robotics ]

Happy 40th Birthday to the MIT Media Lab!

Since 1985, the MIT Media Lab has provided a home for interdisciplinary research, transformative technologies, and innovative approaches to solving some of humanity’s greatest challenges. As we celebrate our 40th anniversary year, we’re looking ahead to decades more of imagining, designing, and inventing a future in which everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

[ MIT Media Lab ]

While most soft pneumatic grippers that operate with a single control parameter (such as pressure or airflow) are limited to a single grasping modality, this article introduces a new method for incorporating multiple grasping modalities into vacuum-driven soft grippers. This is achieved by combining stiffness manipulation with a bistable mechanism. Adjusting the airflow tunes the energy barrier of the bistable mechanism, enabling changes in triggering sensitivity and allowing swift transitions between grasping modes. This results in an exceptional versatile gripper, capable of handling a diverse range of objects with varying sizes, shapes, stiffness, and roughness, controlled by a single parameter, airflow, and its interaction with objects.

[ Paper ] via [ BruBotics ]

Thanks, Bram!

In this article, we present a design concept, in which a monolithic soft body is incorporated with a vibration-driven mechanism, called Leafbot. This proposed investigation aims to build a foundation for further terradynamics study of vibration-driven soft robots in a more complicated and confined environment, with potential applications in inspection tasks.

[ Paper ] via [ IEEE Transactions on Robots ]

We present a hybrid aerial-ground robot that combines the versatility of a quadcopter with enhanced terrestrial mobility. The vehicle features a passive, reconfigurable single wheeled leg, enabling seamless transitions between flight and two ground modes: a stable stance and a dynamic cruising configuration.

[ Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory ]

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen this trick performed by a robot with soft fingers before.

[ Paper ]

There are a lot of robots involved in car manufacturing. Like, a lot.

[ Kawasaki Robotics ]

Steve Willits shows us some recent autonomous drone work being done at the AirLab at CMU’s Robotics Institute.

[ Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute ]

Somebody’s got to test all those luxury handbags and purses. And by somebody, I mean somerobot.

[ Qb Robotics ]

Do not trust people named Evan.

[ Tufts University Human-Robot Interaction Lab ]

Meet the Mind: MIT Professor Andreea Bobu.

[ MIT ]

About a year ago, Boston Dynamics released a research version of its Spot quadruped robot, which comes with a low-level application programming interface (API) that allows direct control of Spot’s joints. Even back then, the rumor was that this API unlocked some significant performance improvements on Spot, including a much faster running speed. That rumor came from the Robotics and AI (RAI) Institute, formerly The AI Institute, formerly the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, and if you were at Marc Raibert’s talk at the ICRA@40 conference in Rotterdam last fall, you already know that it turned out not to be a rumor at all.

Today, we’re able to share some of the work that the RAI Institute has been doing to apply reality-grounded reinforcement learning techniques to enable much higher performance from Spot. The same techniques can also help highly dynamic robots operate robustly, and there’s a brand new hardware platform that shows this off: an autonomous bicycle that can jump.

See Spot Run

This video is showing Spot running at a sustained speed of 5.2 meters per second (11.6 miles per hour). Out of the box, Spot’s top speed is 1.6 m/s, meaning that RAI’s spot has more than tripled (!) the quadruped’s factory speed.

If Spot running this quickly looks a little strange, that’s probably because it is strange, in the sense that the way this robot dog’s legs and body move as it runs is not very much like how a real dog runs at all. “The gait is not biological, but the robot isn’t biological,” explains Farbod Farshidian, roboticist at the RAI Institute. “Spot’s actuators are different from muscles, and its kinematics are different, so a gait that’s suitable for a dog to run fast isn’t necessarily best for this robot.”

The best Farshidian can categorize how Spot is moving is that it’s somewhat similar to a trotting gait, except with an added flight phase (with all four feet off the ground at once) that technically turns it into a run. This flight phase is necessary, Farshidian says, because the robot needs that time to successively pull its feet forward fast enough to maintain its speed. This is a “discovered behavior,” in that the robot was not explicitly programmed to “run,” but rather was just required to find the best way of moving as fast as possible.

Reinforcement Learning Versus Model Predictive Control

The Spot controller that ships with the robot when you buy it from Boston Dynamics is based on model predictive control (MPC), which involves creating a software model that approximates the dynamics of the robot as best you can, and then solving an optimization problem for the tasks that you want the robot to do in real time. It’s a very predictable and reliable method for controlling a robot, but it’s also somewhat rigid, because that original software model won’t be close enough to reality to let you really push the limits of the robot. And if you try to say, “Okay, I’m just going to make a superdetailed software model of my robot and push the limits that way,” you get stuck because the optimization problem has to be solved for whatever you want the robot to do, in real time, and the more complex the model is, the harder it is to do that quickly enough to be useful. Reinforcement learning (RL), on the other hand, learns offline. You can use as complex of a model as you want, and then take all the time you need in simulation to train a control policy that can then be run very efficiently on the robot.

Your browser does not support the video tag. In simulation, a couple of Spots (or hundreds of Spots) can be trained in parallel for robust real-world performance.Robotics and AI Institute

In the example of Spot’s top speed, it’s simply not possible to model every last detail for all of the robot’s actuators within a model-based control system that would run in real time on the robot. So instead, simplified (and typically very conservative) assumptions are made about what the actuators are actually doing so that you can expect safe and reliable performance.

Farshidian explains that these assumptions make it difficult to develop a useful understanding of what performance limitations actually are. “Many people in robotics know that one of the limitations of running fast is that you’re going to hit the torque and velocity maximum of your actuation system. So, people try to model that using the data sheets of the actuators. For us, the question that we wanted to answer was whether there might exist some other phenomena that was actually limiting performance.”

Searching for these other phenomena involved bringing new data into the reinforcement learning pipeline, like detailed actuator models learned from the real-world performance of the robot. In Spot’s case, that provided the answer to high-speed running. It turned out that what was limiting Spot’s speed was not the actuators themselves, nor any of the robot’s kinematics: It was simply the batteries not being able to supply enough power. “This was a surprise for me,” Farshidian says, “because I thought we were going to hit the actuator limits first.”

Spot’s power system is complex enough that there’s likely some additional wiggle room, and Farshidian says the only thing that prevented them from pushing Spot’s top speed past 5.2 m/s is that they didn’t have access to the battery voltages so they weren’t able to incorporate that real-world data into their RL model. “If we had beefier batteries on there, we could have run faster. And if you model that phenomena as well in our simulator, I’m sure that we can push this farther.”

Farshidian emphasizes that RAI’s technique is about much more than just getting Spot to run fast—it could also be applied to making Spot move more efficiently to maximize battery life, or more quietly to work better in an office or home environment. Essentially, this is a generalizable tool that can find new ways of expanding the capabilities of any robotic system. And when real-world data is used to make a simulated robot better, you can ask the simulation to do more, with confidence that those simulated skills will successfully transfer back onto the real robot.

Ultra Mobility Vehicle: Teaching Robot Bikes to Jump

Reinforcement learning isn’t just good for maximizing the performance of a robot—it can also make that performance more reliable. The RAI Institute has been experimenting with a completely new kind of robot that it invented in-house: a little jumping bicycle called the Ultra Mobility Vehicle, or UMV, which was trained to do parkour using essentially the same RL pipeline for balancing and driving as was used for Spot’s high-speed running.

There’s no independent physical stabilization system (like a gyroscope) keeping the UMV from falling over; it’s just a normal bike that can move forward and backward and turn its front wheel. As much mass as possible is then packed into the top bit, which actuators can rapidly accelerate up and down. “We’re demonstrating two things in this video,” says Marco Hutter, director of the RAI Institute’s Zurich office. “One is how reinforcement learning helps make the UMV very robust in its driving capabilities in diverse situations. And second, how understanding the robots’ dynamic capabilities allows us to do new things, like jumping on a table which is higher than the robot itself.”

“The key of RL in all of this is to discover new behavior and make this robust and reliable under conditions that are very hard to model. That’s where RL really, really shines.” —Marco Hutter, The RAI Institute

As impressive as the jumping is, for Hutter, it’s just as difficult (if not more difficult) to do maneuvers that may seem fairly simple, like riding backwards. “Going backwards is highly unstable,” Hutter explains. “At least for us, it was not really possible to do that with a classical [MPC] controller, particularly over rough terrain or with disturbances.”

Getting this robot out of the lab and onto terrain to do proper bike parkour is a work in progress that the RAI Institute says it will be able to demonstrate in the near future, but it’s really not about what this particular hardware platform can do—it’s about what any robot can do through RL and other learning-based methods, says Hutter. “The bigger picture here is that the hardware of such robotic systems can in theory do a lot more than we were able to achieve with our classic control algorithms. Understanding these hidden limits in hardware systems lets us improve performance and keep pushing the boundaries on control.”

Your browser does not support the video tag. Teaching the UMV to drive itself down stairs in sim results in a real robot that can handle stairs at any angle.Robotics and AI Institute

Reinforcement Learning for Robots Everywhere

Just a few weeks ago, the RAI Institute announced a new partnership with Boston Dynamics “to advance humanoid robots through reinforcement learning.” Humanoids are just another kind of robotic platform, albeit a significantly more complicated one with many more degrees of freedom and things to model and simulate. But when considering the limitations of model predictive control for this level of complexity, a reinforcement learning approach seems almost inevitable, especially when such an approach is already streamlined due to its ability to generalize.

“One of the ambitions that we have as an institute is to have solutions which span across all kinds of different platforms,” says Hutter. “It’s about building tools, about building infrastructure, building the basis for this to be done in a broader context. So not only humanoids, but driving vehicles, quadrupeds, you name it. But doing RL research and showcasing some nice first proof of concept is one thing—pushing it to work in the real world under all conditions, while pushing the boundaries in performance, is something else.”

Transferring skills into the real world has always been a challenge for robots trained in simulation, precisely because simulation is so friendly to robots. “If you spend enough time,” Farshidian explains, “you can come up with a reward function where eventually the robot will do what you want. What often fails is when you want to transfer that sim behavior to the hardware, because reinforcement learning is very good at finding glitches in your simulator and leveraging them to do the task.”

Simulation has been getting much, much better, with new tools, more accurate dynamics, and lots of computing power to throw at the problem. “It’s a hugely powerful ability that we can simulate so many things, and generate so much data almost for free,” Hutter says. But the usefulness of that data is in its connection to reality, making sure that what you’re simulating is accurate enough that a reinforcement learning approach will in fact solve for reality. Bringing physical data collected on real hardware back into the simulation, Hutter believes, is a very promising approach, whether it’s applied to running quadrupeds or jumping bicycles or humanoids. “The combination of the two—of simulation and reality—that’s what I would hypothesize is the right direction.”

About a year ago, Boston Dynamics released a research version of its Spot quadruped robot, which comes with a low-level application programming interface (API) that allows direct control of Spot’s joints. Even back then, the rumor was that this API unlocked some significant performance improvements on Spot, including a much faster running speed. That rumor came from the Robotics and AI (RAI) Institute, formerly The AI Institute, formerly the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, and if you were at Marc Raibert’s talk at the ICRA@40 conference in Rotterdam last fall, you already know that it turned out not to be a rumor at all.

Today, we’re able to share some of the work that the RAI Institute has been doing to apply reality-grounded reinforcement learning techniques to enable much higher performance from Spot. The same techniques can also help highly dynamic robots operate robustly, and there’s a brand new hardware platform that shows this off: an autonomous bicycle that can jump.

See Spot Run

This video is showing Spot running at a sustained speed of 5.2 meters per second (11.6 miles per hour). Out of the box, Spot’s top speed is 1.6 m/s, meaning that RAI’s spot has more than tripled (!) the quadruped’s factory speed.

If Spot running this quickly looks a little strange, that’s probably because it is strange, in the sense that the way this robot dog’s legs and body move as it runs is not very much like how a real dog runs at all. “The gait is not biological, but the robot isn’t biological,” explains Farbod Farshidian, roboticist at the RAI Institute. “Spot’s actuators are different from muscles, and its kinematics are different, so a gait that’s suitable for a dog to run fast isn’t necessarily best for this robot.”

The best Farshidian can categorize how Spot is moving is that it’s somewhat similar to a trotting gait, except with an added flight phase (with all four feet off the ground at once) that technically turns it into a run. This flight phase is necessary, Farshidian says, because the robot needs that time to successively pull its feet forward fast enough to maintain its speed. This is a “discovered behavior,” in that the robot was not explicitly programmed to “run,” but rather was just required to find the best way of moving as fast as possible.

Reinforcement Learning Versus Model Predictive Control

The Spot controller that ships with the robot when you buy it from Boston Dynamics is based on model predictive control (MPC), which involves creating a software model that approximates the dynamics of the robot as best you can, and then solving an optimization problem for the tasks that you want the robot to do in real time. It’s a very predictable and reliable method for controlling a robot, but it’s also somewhat rigid, because that original software model won’t be close enough to reality to let you really push the limits of the robot. And if you try to say, “Okay, I’m just going to make a superdetailed software model of my robot and push the limits that way,” you get stuck because the optimization problem has to be solved for whatever you want the robot to do, in real time, and the more complex the model is, the harder it is to do that quickly enough to be useful. Reinforcement learning (RL), on the other hand, learns offline. You can use as complex of a model as you want, and then take all the time you need in simulation to train a control policy that can then be run very efficiently on the robot.

Your browser does not support the video tag. In simulation, a couple of Spots (or hundreds of Spots) can be trained in parallel for robust real-world performance.Robotics and AI Institute

In the example of Spot’s top speed, it’s simply not possible to model every last detail for all of the robot’s actuators within a model-based control system that would run in real time on the robot. So instead, simplified (and typically very conservative) assumptions are made about what the actuators are actually doing so that you can expect safe and reliable performance.

Farshidian explains that these assumptions make it difficult to develop a useful understanding of what performance limitations actually are. “Many people in robotics know that one of the limitations of running fast is that you’re going to hit the torque and velocity maximum of your actuation system. So, people try to model that using the data sheets of the actuators. For us, the question that we wanted to answer was whether there might exist some other phenomena that was actually limiting performance.”

Searching for these other phenomena involved bringing new data into the reinforcement learning pipeline, like detailed actuator models learned from the real-world performance of the robot. In Spot’s case, that provided the answer to high-speed running. It turned out that what was limiting Spot’s speed was not the actuators themselves, nor any of the robot’s kinematics: It was simply the batteries not being able to supply enough power. “This was a surprise for me,” Farshidian says, “because I thought we were going to hit the actuator limits first.”

Spot’s power system is complex enough that there’s likely some additional wiggle room, and Farshidian says the only thing that prevented them from pushing Spot’s top speed past 5.2 m/s is that they didn’t have access to the battery voltages so they weren’t able to incorporate that real-world data into their RL model. “If we had beefier batteries on there, we could have run faster. And if you model that phenomena as well in our simulator, I’m sure that we can push this farther.”

Farshidian emphasizes that RAI’s technique is about much more than just getting Spot to run fast—it could also be applied to making Spot move more efficiently to maximize battery life, or more quietly to work better in an office or home environment. Essentially, this is a generalizable tool that can find new ways of expanding the capabilities of any robotic system. And when real-world data is used to make a simulated robot better, you can ask the simulation to do more, with confidence that those simulated skills will successfully transfer back onto the real robot.

Ultra Mobility Vehicle: Teaching Robot Bikes to Jump

Reinforcement learning isn’t just good for maximizing the performance of a robot—it can also make that performance more reliable. The RAI Institute has been experimenting with a completely new kind of robot that it invented in-house: a little jumping bicycle called the Ultra Mobility Vehicle, or UMV, which was trained to do parkour using essentially the same RL pipeline for balancing and driving as was used for Spot’s high-speed running.

There’s no independent physical stabilization system (like a gyroscope) keeping the UMV from falling over; it’s just a normal bike that can move forward and backward and turn its front wheel. As much mass as possible is then packed into the top bit, which actuators can rapidly accelerate up and down. “We’re demonstrating two things in this video,” says Marco Hutter, director of the RAI Institute’s Zurich office. “One is how reinforcement learning helps make the UMV very robust in its driving capabilities in diverse situations. And second, how understanding the robots’ dynamic capabilities allows us to do new things, like jumping on a table which is higher than the robot itself.”

“The key of RL in all of this is to discover new behavior and make this robust and reliable under conditions that are very hard to model. That’s where RL really, really shines.” —Marco Hutter, The RAI Institute

As impressive as the jumping is, for Hutter, it’s just as difficult (if not more difficult) to do maneuvers that may seem fairly simple, like riding backwards. “Going backwards is highly unstable,” Hutter explains. “At least for us, it was not really possible to do that with a classical [MPC] controller, particularly over rough terrain or with disturbances.”

Getting this robot out of the lab and onto terrain to do proper bike parkour is a work in progress that the RAI Institute says it will be able to demonstrate in the near future, but it’s really not about what this particular hardware platform can do—it’s about what any robot can do through RL and other learning-based methods, says Hutter. “The bigger picture here is that the hardware of such robotic systems can in theory do a lot more than we were able to achieve with our classic control algorithms. Understanding these hidden limits in hardware systems lets us improve performance and keep pushing the boundaries on control.”

Your browser does not support the video tag. Teaching the UMV to drive itself down stairs in sim results in a real robot that can handle stairs at any angle.Robotics and AI Institute

Reinforcement Learning for Robots Everywhere

Just a few weeks ago, the RAI Institute announced a new partnership with Boston Dynamics “to advance humanoid robots through reinforcement learning.” Humanoids are just another kind of robotic platform, albeit a significantly more complicated one with many more degrees of freedom and things to model and simulate. But when considering the limitations of model predictive control for this level of complexity, a reinforcement learning approach seems almost inevitable, especially when such an approach is already streamlined due to its ability to generalize.

“One of the ambitions that we have as an institute is to have solutions which span across all kinds of different platforms,” says Hutter. “It’s about building tools, about building infrastructure, building the basis for this to be done in a broader context. So not only humanoids, but driving vehicles, quadrupeds, you name it. But doing RL research and showcasing some nice first proof of concept is one thing—pushing it to work in the real world under all conditions, while pushing the boundaries in performance, is something else.”

Transferring skills into the real world has always been a challenge for robots trained in simulation, precisely because simulation is so friendly to robots. “If you spend enough time,” Farshidian explains, “you can come up with a reward function where eventually the robot will do what you want. What often fails is when you want to transfer that sim behavior to the hardware, because reinforcement learning is very good at finding glitches in your simulator and leveraging them to do the task.”

Simulation has been getting much, much better, with new tools, more accurate dynamics, and lots of computing power to throw at the problem. “It’s a hugely powerful ability that we can simulate so many things, and generate so much data almost for free,” Hutter says. But the usefulness of that data is in its connection to reality, making sure that what you’re simulating is accurate enough that a reinforcement learning approach will in fact solve for reality. Bringing physical data collected on real hardware back into the simulation, Hutter believes, is a very promising approach, whether it’s applied to running quadrupeds or jumping bicycles or humanoids. “The combination of the two—of simulation and reality—that’s what I would hypothesize is the right direction.”

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREA

Enjoy today’s videos!

There is an immense amount of potential for innovation and development in the field of human-robot collaboration — and we’re excited to release Meta PARTNR, a research framework that includes a large-scale benchmark, dataset and large planning model to jump start additional research in this exciting field.

[ Meta PARTNR ]

Humanoid is the first AI and robotics company in the UK, creating the world’s leading, commercially scalable, and safe humanoid robots.

[ Humanoid ]

To complement our review paper, “Grand Challenges for Burrowing Soft Robots,” we present a compilation of soft burrowers, both organic and robotic. Soft organisms use specialized mechanisms for burrowing in granular media, which have inspired the design of many soft robots. To improve the burrowing efficacy of soft robots, there are many grand challenges that must be addressed by roboticists.

[ Faboratory Research ] at [ Yale University ]

Three small lunar rovers were packed up at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the first leg of their multistage journey to the Moon. These suitcase-size rovers, along with a base station and camera system that will record their travels on the lunar surface, make up NASA’s CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration) technology demonstration.]

[ NASA ]

MenteeBot V3.0 is a fully vertically integrated humanoid robot, with full-stack AI and proprietary hardware.

[ Mentee Robotics ]

What do assistance robots look like? From robotic arms attached to a wheelchair to autonomous robots that can pick up and carry objects on their own, assistive robots are making a real difference to the lives of people with limited motor control.

[ Cybathlon ]

Robots can not perform reactive manipulation and they mostly operate in open-loop while interacting with their environment. Consequently, the current manipulation algorithms either are very inefficient in performance or can only work in highly structured environments. In this paper, we present closed-loop control of a complex manipulation task where a robot uses a tool to interact with objects.

[ Paper ] via [ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ]

Thanks, Yuki!

When the future becomes the present, anything is possible. In our latest campaign, “The New Normal,” we highlight the journey our riders experience from first seeing Waymo to relishing in the magic of their first ride. How did your first-ride feeling change the way you think about the possibilities of AVs?

[ Waymo ]

One of a humanoid robot’s unique advantages lies in its bipedal mobility, allowing it to navigate diverse terrains with efficiency and agility. This capability enables Moby to move freely through various environments and assist with high-risk tasks in critical industries like construction, mining, and energy.

[ UCR ]

Although robots are just tools to us, it’s still important to make them somewhat expressive so they can better integrate into our world. So, we created a small animation of the robot waking up—one that it executes all by itself!

[ Pollen Robotics ]

In this live demo, an OTTO AMR expert will walk through the key differences between AGVs and AMRs, highlighting how OTTO AMRs address challenges that AGVs cannot.

[ OTTO ] by [ Rockwell Automation ]

This Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute Seminar is from CMU’s Aaron Johnson, on “Uncertainty and Contact with the World.”

As robots move out of the lab and factory and into more challenging environments, uncertainty in the robot’s state, dynamics, and contact conditions becomes a fact of life. In this talk, I’ll present some recent work in handling uncertainty in dynamics and contact conditions, in order to both reduce that uncertainty where we can but also generate strategies that do not require perfect knowledge of the world state.

[ CMU RI ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESETH Robotics Summer School: 21–27 June 2025, GENEVAIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGALIEEE World Haptics: 8–11 July 2025, SUWON, KOREA

Enjoy today’s videos!

There is an immense amount of potential for innovation and development in the field of human-robot collaboration — and we’re excited to release Meta PARTNR, a research framework that includes a large-scale benchmark, dataset and large planning model to jump start additional research in this exciting field.

[ Meta PARTNR ]

Humanoid is the first AI and robotics company in the UK, creating the world’s leading, commercially scalable, and safe humanoid robots.

[ Humanoid ]

To complement our review paper, “Grand Challenges for Burrowing Soft Robots,” we present a compilation of soft burrowers, both organic and robotic. Soft organisms use specialized mechanisms for burrowing in granular media, which have inspired the design of many soft robots. To improve the burrowing efficacy of soft robots, there are many grand challenges that must be addressed by roboticists.

[ Faboratory Research ] at [ Yale University ]

Three small lunar rovers were packed up at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the first leg of their multistage journey to the Moon. These suitcase-size rovers, along with a base station and camera system that will record their travels on the lunar surface, make up NASA’s CADRE (Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration) technology demonstration.]

[ NASA ]

MenteeBot V3.0 is a fully vertically integrated humanoid robot, with full-stack AI and proprietary hardware.

[ Mentee Robotics ]

What do assistance robots look like? From robotic arms attached to a wheelchair to autonomous robots that can pick up and carry objects on their own, assistive robots are making a real difference to the lives of people with limited motor control.

[ Cybathlon ]

Robots can not perform reactive manipulation and they mostly operate in open-loop while interacting with their environment. Consequently, the current manipulation algorithms either are very inefficient in performance or can only work in highly structured environments. In this paper, we present closed-loop control of a complex manipulation task where a robot uses a tool to interact with objects.

[ Paper ] via [ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ]

Thanks, Yuki!

When the future becomes the present, anything is possible. In our latest campaign, “The New Normal,” we highlight the journey our riders experience from first seeing Waymo to relishing in the magic of their first ride. How did your first-ride feeling change the way you think about the possibilities of AVs?

[ Waymo ]

One of a humanoid robot’s unique advantages lies in its bipedal mobility, allowing it to navigate diverse terrains with efficiency and agility. This capability enables Moby to move freely through various environments and assist with high-risk tasks in critical industries like construction, mining, and energy.

[ UCR ]

Although robots are just tools to us, it’s still important to make them somewhat expressive so they can better integrate into our world. So, we created a small animation of the robot waking up—one that it executes all by itself!

[ Pollen Robotics ]

In this live demo, an OTTO AMR expert will walk through the key differences between AGVs and AMRs, highlighting how OTTO AMRs address challenges that AGVs cannot.

[ OTTO ] by [ Rockwell Automation ]

This Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute Seminar is from CMU’s Aaron Johnson, on “Uncertainty and Contact with the World.”

As robots move out of the lab and factory and into more challenging environments, uncertainty in the robot’s state, dynamics, and contact conditions becomes a fact of life. In this talk, I’ll present some recent work in handling uncertainty in dynamics and contact conditions, in order to both reduce that uncertainty where we can but also generate strategies that do not require perfect knowledge of the world state.

[ CMU RI ]

In theory, one of the main applications for robots should be operating in environments that (for whatever reason) are too dangerous for humans. I say “in theory” because in practice it’s difficult to get robots to do useful stuff in semi-structured or unstructured environments without direct human supervision. This is why there’s been some emphasis recently on teleoperation: Human software teaming up with robot hardware can be a very effective combination.

For this combination to work, you need two things. First, an intuitive control system that lets the user embody themselves in the robot to pilot it effectively. And second, a robot that can deliver on the kind of embodiment that the human pilot needs. The second bit is the more challenging, because humans have very high standards for mobility, strength, and dexterity. But researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) have a system that manages to check both boxes, thanks to its enormously powerful quadruped, which now sports a pair of massive arms on its head.

“The primary goal of this project, conducted in collaboration with INAIL, is to extend human capabilities to the robot, allowing operators to perform complex tasks remotely in hazardous and unstructured environments to mitigate risks to their safety by exploiting the robot’s capabilities,” explains Claudio Semini, who leads the Robot Teleoperativo project at IIT. The project is based around the HyQReal hydraulic quadruped, the most recent addition to IIT’s quadruped family.

Hydraulics have been very visibly falling out of favor in robotics, because they’re complicated and messy, and in general robots don’t need the absurd power density that comes with hydraulics. But there are still a few robots in active development that use hydraulics specifically because of all that power. If your robot needs to be highly dynamic or lift really heavy things, hydraulics are, at least for now, where it’s at.

IIT’s HyQReal quadruped is one of those robots. If you need something that can carry a big payload, like a pair of massive arms, this is your robot. Back in 2019, we saw HyQReal pulling a three-tonne airplane. HyQReal itself weighs 140 kilograms, and its knee joints can output up to 300 newton-meters of torque. The hydraulic system is powered by onboard batteries and can provide up to 4 kilowatts of power. It also uses some of Moog’s lovely integrated smart actuators, which sadly don’t seem to be in development anymore. Beyond just lifting heavy things, HyQReal’s mass and power make it a very stable platform, and its aluminum roll cage and Kevlar skin ensure robustness.

The HyQReal hydraulic quadruped is tethered for power during experiments at IIT, but it can also run on battery power.IIT

The arms that HyQReal is carrying are IIT-INAIL arms, which weigh 10 kg each and have a payload of 5 kg per arm. To put that in perspective, the maximum payload of a Boston Dynamics Spot robot is only 14 kg. The head-mounted configuration of the arms means they can reach the ground, and they also have an overlapping workspace to enable bimanual manipulation, which is enhanced by HyQReal’s ability to move its body to assist the arms with their reach. “The development of core actuation technologies with high power, low weight, and advanced control has been a key enabler in our efforts,” says Nikos Tsagarakis, head of the HHCM Lab at IIT. “These technologies have allowed us to realize a low-weight bimanual manipulation system with high payload capacity and large workspace, suitable for integration with HyQReal.”

Maximizing reachable space is important, because the robot will be under the remote control of a human, who probably has no particular interest in or care for mechanical or power constraints—they just want to get the job done.

To get the job done, IIT has developed a teleoperation system, which is weird-looking because it features a very large workspace that allows the user to leverage more of the robot’s full range of motion. Having tried a bunch of different robotic telepresence systems, I can vouch for how important this is: It’s super annoying to be doing some task through telepresence, and then hit a joint limit on the robot and have to pause to reset your arm position. “That is why it is important to study operators’ quality of experience. It allows us to design the haptic and teleoperation systems appropriately because it provides insights into the levels of delight or frustration associated with immersive visualization, haptic feedback, robot control, and task performance,” confirms Ioannis Sarakoglou, who is responsible for the development of the haptic teleoperation technologies in the HHCM Lab. The whole thing takes place in a fully immersive VR environment, of course, with some clever bandwidth optimization inspired by the way humans see that transmits higher-resolution images only where the user is looking.

HyQReal’s telepresence control system offers haptic feedback and a large workspace.IIT

Telepresence Robots for the Real World

The system is designed to be used in hazardous environments where you wouldn’t want to send a human. That’s why IIT’s partner on this project is INAIL, Italy’s National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents at Work, which is understandably quite interested in finding ways in which robots can be used to keep humans out of harm’s way.

In tests with Italian firefighters in 2022 (using an earlier version of the robot with a single arm), operators were able to use the system to extinguish a simulated tunnel fire. It’s a good first step, but Semini has plans to push the system to handle “more complex, heavy, and demanding tasks, which will better show its potential for real-world applications.”

As always with robots and real-world applications, there’s still a lot of work to be done, Semini says. “The reliability and durability of the systems in extreme environments have to be improved,” he says. “For instance, the robot must endure intense heat and prolonged flame exposure in firefighting without compromising its operational performance or structural integrity.” There’s also managing the robot’s energy consumption (which is not small) to give it a useful operating time, and managing the amount of information presented to the operator to boost situational awareness while still keeping things streamlined and efficient. “Overloading operators with too much information increases cognitive burden, while too little can lead to errors and reduce situational awareness,” says Yonas Tefera, who lead the development of the immersive interface. “Advances in immersive mixed-reality interfaces and multimodal controls, such as voice commands and eye tracking, are expected to improve efficiency and reduce fatigue in the future.”

There’s a lot of crossover here with the goals of the DARPA Robotics Challenge for humanoid robots, except IIT’s system is arguably much more realistically deployable than any of those humanoids are, at least in the near term. While we’re just starting to see the potential of humanoids in carefully controlled environment, quadrupeds are already out there in the world, proving how reliable their four-legged mobility is. Manipulation is the obvious next step, but it has to be more than just opening doors. We need it to use tools, lift debris, and all that other DARPA Robotics Challenge stuff that will keep humans safe. That’s what Robot Teleoperativo is trying to make real.

You can find more detail about the Robot Teleoperativo project in this paper, presented in November at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Telepresence, in Pasadena, Calif.

In theory, one of the main applications for robots should be operating in environments that (for whatever reason) are too dangerous for humans. I say “in theory” because in practice it’s difficult to get robots to do useful stuff in semi-structured or unstructured environments without direct human supervision. This is why there’s been some emphasis recently on teleoperation: Human software teaming up with robot hardware can be a very effective combination.

For this combination to work, you need two things. First, an intuitive control system that lets the user embody themselves in the robot to pilot it effectively. And second, a robot that can deliver on the kind of embodiment that the human pilot needs. The second bit is the more challenging, because humans have very high standards for mobility, strength, and dexterity. But researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) have a system that manages to check both boxes, thanks to its enormously powerful quadruped, which now sports a pair of massive arms on its head.

“The primary goal of this project, conducted in collaboration with INAIL, is to extend human capabilities to the robot, allowing operators to perform complex tasks remotely in hazardous and unstructured environments to mitigate risks to their safety by exploiting the robot’s capabilities,” explains Claudio Semini, who leads the Robot Teleoperativo project at IIT. The project is based around the HyQReal hydraulic quadruped, the most recent addition to IIT’s quadruped family.

Hydraulics have been very visibly falling out of favor in robotics, because they’re complicated and messy, and in general robots don’t need the absurd power density that comes with hydraulics. But there are still a few robots in active development that use hydraulics specifically because of all that power. If your robot needs to be highly dynamic or lift really heavy things, hydraulics are, at least for now, where it’s at.

IIT’s HyQReal quadruped is one of those robots. If you need something that can carry a big payload, like a pair of massive arms, this is your robot. Back in 2019, we saw HyQReal pulling a three-tonne airplane. HyQReal itself weighs 140 kilograms, and its knee joints can output up to 300 newton-meters of torque. The hydraulic system is powered by onboard batteries and can provide up to 4 kilowatts of power. It also uses some of Moog’s lovely integrated smart actuators, which sadly don’t seem to be in development anymore. Beyond just lifting heavy things, HyQReal’s mass and power make it a very stable platform, and its aluminum roll cage and Kevlar skin ensure robustness.

The HyQReal hydraulic quadruped is tethered for power during experiments at IIT, but it can also run on battery power.IIT

The arms that HyQReal is carrying are IIT-INAIL arms, which weigh 10 kg each and have a payload of 5 kg per arm. To put that in perspective, the maximum payload of a Boston Dynamics Spot robot is only 14 kg. The head-mounted configuration of the arms means they can reach the ground, and they also have an overlapping workspace to enable bimanual manipulation, which is enhanced by HyQReal’s ability to move its body to assist the arms with their reach. “The development of core actuation technologies with high power, low weight, and advanced control has been a key enabler in our efforts,” says Nikos Tsagarakis, head of the HHCM Lab at IIT. “These technologies have allowed us to realize a low-weight bimanual manipulation system with high payload capacity and large workspace, suitable for integration with HyQReal.”

Maximizing reachable space is important, because the robot will be under the remote control of a human, who probably has no particular interest in or care for mechanical or power constraints—they just want to get the job done.

To get the job done, IIT has developed a teleoperation system, which is weird-looking because it features a very large workspace that allows the user to leverage more of the robot’s full range of motion. Having tried a bunch of different robotic telepresence systems, I can vouch for how important this is: It’s super annoying to be doing some task through telepresence, and then hit a joint limit on the robot and have to pause to reset your arm position. “That is why it is important to study operators’ quality of experience. It allows us to design the haptic and teleoperation systems appropriately because it provides insights into the levels of delight or frustration associated with immersive visualization, haptic feedback, robot control, and task performance,” confirms Ioannis Sarakoglou, who is responsible for the development of the haptic teleoperation technologies in the HHCM Lab. The whole thing takes place in a fully immersive VR environment, of course, with some clever bandwidth optimization inspired by the way humans see that transmits higher-resolution images only where the user is looking.

HyQReal’s telepresence control system offers haptic feedback and a large workspace.IIT

Telepresence Robots for the Real World

The system is designed to be used in hazardous environments where you wouldn’t want to send a human. That’s why IIT’s partner on this project is INAIL, Italy’s National Institute for Insurance Against Accidents at Work, which is understandably quite interested in finding ways in which robots can be used to keep humans out of harm’s way.

In tests with Italian firefighters in 2022 (using an earlier version of the robot with a single arm), operators were able to use the system to extinguish a simulated tunnel fire. It’s a good first step, but Semini has plans to push the system to handle “more complex, heavy, and demanding tasks, which will better show its potential for real-world applications.”

As always with robots and real-world applications, there’s still a lot of work to be done, Semini says. “The reliability and durability of the systems in extreme environments have to be improved,” he says. “For instance, the robot must endure intense heat and prolonged flame exposure in firefighting without compromising its operational performance or structural integrity.” There’s also managing the robot’s energy consumption (which is not small) to give it a useful operating time, and managing the amount of information presented to the operator to boost situational awareness while still keeping things streamlined and efficient. “Overloading operators with too much information increases cognitive burden, while too little can lead to errors and reduce situational awareness,” says Yonas Tefera, who lead the development of the immersive interface. “Advances in immersive mixed-reality interfaces and multimodal controls, such as voice commands and eye tracking, are expected to improve efficiency and reduce fatigue in the future.”

There’s a lot of crossover here with the goals of the DARPA Robotics Challenge for humanoid robots, except IIT’s system is arguably much more realistically deployable than any of those humanoids are, at least in the near term. While we’re just starting to see the potential of humanoids in carefully controlled environment, quadrupeds are already out there in the world, proving how reliable their four-legged mobility is. Manipulation is the obvious next step, but it has to be more than just opening doors. We need it to use tools, lift debris, and all that other DARPA Robotics Challenge stuff that will keep humans safe. That’s what Robot Teleoperativo is trying to make real.

You can find more detail about the Robot Teleoperativo project in this paper, presented in November at the 2024 IEEE Conference on Telepresence, in Pasadena, Calif.

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGAL

Enjoy today’s videos!

Humanoid robots hold the potential for unparalleled versatility for performing human-like, whole-body skills. ASAP enables highly agile motions that were previously difficult to achieve, demonstrating the potential of delta action learning in bridging simulation and real-world dynamics. These results suggest a promising sim-to-real direction for developing more expressive and agile humanoids.

[ ASAP ] from [ Carnegie Mellon University ] and [ Nvidia ]

Big News: Swiss-Mile is now RIVR! We’re thrilled to unveil our new identity as RIVR, reflecting our evolution from a university spin-off to a global leader in Physical AI and robotics. In 2025, we’ll be deploying our groundbreaking wheeled-legged robots with major logistics carriers for last-mile delivery to set new standards for efficiency and sustainability.

[ RIVR ]

Robotics is one of the best ways to reduce worker exposure to safety risks. However, one of the biggest barriers to adopting robots in these industries is the challenge of navigating the rugged terrain found in these environments. UCR’s robots navigate difficult terrain, debris-strewn floors, and confined spaces without requiring facility modifications, disrupting existing workflows, or compromising schedules, significantly improving efficiency while keeping workers safe.

[ UCR ]

This paper introduces a safety filter to ensure collision avoidance for multirotor aerial robots. The proposed method allows computational scalability against thousands of constraints and, thus, complex scenes with numerous obstacles. We experimentally demonstrate its ability to guarantee the safety of a quadrotor with an onboard LiDAR, operating in both indoor and outdoor cluttered environments against both naive and adversarial nominal policies.

[ Autonomous Robots Lab ]

Thanks, Kostas!

Brightpick Giraffe is an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) capable of reaching heights of 20 feet (6 m), resulting in three times the warehouse storage density compared to manual operations.

[ Giraffe ] via [ TechCrunch ]

IROS 2025, coming this fall in Hangzhou, China.

[ IROS 2025 ]

This cute lil guy is from a “Weak Robots Exhibition” in Japan.

[ RobotStart ]

I see no problem with cheating via infrastructure to make autonomous vehicles more reliable.

[ Oak Ridge National Laboratory ]

I am not okay with how this coffee cup is handled. Neither is my editor.

[ Qb Robotics ]

Non-prehensile pushing to move and re-orient objects to a goal is a versatile loco-manipulation skill. In this paper, we develop a learning-based controller for a mobile manipulator to move an unknown object to a desired position and yaw orientation through a sequence of pushing actions. Through our extensive hardware experiments, we show that the approach demonstrates high robustness against unknown objects of different masses, materials, sizes, and shapes.

[ Paper ] from [ ETH Zurich and Instituto Italiano de Technologia ]

Verity, On, and Maersk have collaborated to bridge the gap between the physical and digital supply chain—piloting RFID-powered autonomous inventory tracking at a Maersk facility in California. Through RFID integration, Verity pushes inventory visibility to unprecedented levels.

[ Verity ]

For some reason, KUKA is reaffirming its commitment to environmental responsibility and diversity.

[ KUKA ]

Here’s a panel from the recent Humanoids Summit on generative AI for robotics, which includes panelists from OpenAI and Agility Robotics. Just don’t mind the moderator, he’s a bit of a dork.

[ Humanoids Summit ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTA, GALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTON, TXRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELESIAS 2025: 30 June–4 July 2025, GENOA, ITALYICRES 2025: 3–4 July 2025, PORTO, PORTUGAL

Enjoy today’s videos!

Humanoid robots hold the potential for unparalleled versatility for performing human-like, whole-body skills. ASAP enables highly agile motions that were previously difficult to achieve, demonstrating the potential of delta action learning in bridging simulation and real-world dynamics. These results suggest a promising sim-to-real direction for developing more expressive and agile humanoids.

[ ASAP ] from [ Carnegie Mellon University ] and [ Nvidia ]

Big News: Swiss-Mile is now RIVR! We’re thrilled to unveil our new identity as RIVR, reflecting our evolution from a university spin-off to a global leader in Physical AI and robotics. In 2025, we’ll be deploying our groundbreaking wheeled-legged robots with major logistics carriers for last-mile delivery to set new standards for efficiency and sustainability.

[ RIVR ]

Robotics is one of the best ways to reduce worker exposure to safety risks. However, one of the biggest barriers to adopting robots in these industries is the challenge of navigating the rugged terrain found in these environments. UCR’s robots navigate difficult terrain, debris-strewn floors, and confined spaces without requiring facility modifications, disrupting existing workflows, or compromising schedules, significantly improving efficiency while keeping workers safe.

[ UCR ]

This paper introduces a safety filter to ensure collision avoidance for multirotor aerial robots. The proposed method allows computational scalability against thousands of constraints and, thus, complex scenes with numerous obstacles. We experimentally demonstrate its ability to guarantee the safety of a quadrotor with an onboard LiDAR, operating in both indoor and outdoor cluttered environments against both naive and adversarial nominal policies.

[ Autonomous Robots Lab ]

Thanks, Kostas!

Brightpick Giraffe is an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) capable of reaching heights of 20 feet (6 m), resulting in three times the warehouse storage density compared to manual operations.

[ Giraffe ] via [ TechCrunch ]

IROS 2025, coming this fall in Hangzhou, China.

[ IROS 2025 ]

This cute lil guy is from a “Weak Robots Exhibition” in Japan.

[ RobotStart ]

I see no problem with cheating via infrastructure to make autonomous vehicles more reliable.

[ Oak Ridge National Laboratory ]

I am not okay with how this coffee cup is handled. Neither is my editor.

[ Qb Robotics ]

Non-prehensile pushing to move and re-orient objects to a goal is a versatile loco-manipulation skill. In this paper, we develop a learning-based controller for a mobile manipulator to move an unknown object to a desired position and yaw orientation through a sequence of pushing actions. Through our extensive hardware experiments, we show that the approach demonstrates high robustness against unknown objects of different masses, materials, sizes, and shapes.

[ Paper ] from [ ETH Zurich and Instituto Italiano de Technologia ]

Verity, On, and Maersk have collaborated to bridge the gap between the physical and digital supply chain—piloting RFID-powered autonomous inventory tracking at a Maersk facility in California. Through RFID integration, Verity pushes inventory visibility to unprecedented levels.

[ Verity ]

For some reason, KUKA is reaffirming its commitment to environmental responsibility and diversity.

[ KUKA ]

Here’s a panel from the recent Humanoids Summit on generative AI for robotics, which includes panelists from OpenAI and Agility Robotics. Just don’t mind the moderator, he’s a bit of a dork.

[ Humanoids Summit ]

The 2004 DARPA Grand Challenge was a spectacular failure. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency had offered a US $1 million prize for the team that could design an autonomous ground vehicle capable of completing an off-road course through sometimes flat, sometimes winding and mountainous desert terrain. As IEEE Spectrum reported at the time, it was “the motleyest assortment of vehicles assembled in one place since the filming of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.” Not a single entrant made it across the finish line. Some didn’t make it out of the parking lot.

Videos of the attempts are comical, although any laughter comes at the expense of the many engineers who spent countless hours and millions of dollars to get to that point.

So it’s all the more remarkable that in the second DARPA Grand Challenge, just a year and a half later, five vehicles crossed the finish line. Stanley, developed by the Stanford Racing Team, eked out a first-place win to claim the $2 million purse. This modified Volkswagen Touareg [shown at top] completed the 212-kilometer course in 6 hours, 54 minutes. Carnegie Mellon’s Sandstorm and H1ghlander took second and third place, respectively, with times of 7:05 and 7:14.

Kat-5, sponsored by the Gray Insurance Co. of Metairie, La., came in fourth with a respectable 7:30. The vehicle was named after Hurricane Katrina, which had just pummeled the Gulf Coast a month and a half earlier. Oshkosh Truck’s TerraMax also finished the circuit, although its time of 12:51 exceeded the 10-hour time limit set by DARPA.

So how did the Grand Challenge go from a total bust to having five robust finishers in such a short period of time? It’s definitely a testament to what can be accomplished when engineers rise to a challenge. But the outcome of this one race was preceded by a much longer path of research, and that plus a little bit of luck are what ultimately led to victory.

Before Stanley, there was Minerva

Let’s back up to 1998, when computer scientist Sebastian Thrun was working at Carnegie Mellon and experimenting with a very different robot: a museum tour guide. For two weeks in the summer, Minerva, which looked a bit like a Dalek from “Doctor Who,” navigated an exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Its main task was to roll around and dispense nuggets of information about the displays.

Minerva was a museum tour-guide robot developed by Sebastian Thrun.

In an interview at the time, Thrun acknowledged that Minerva was there to entertain. But Minerva wasn’t just a people pleaser ; it was also a machine learning experiment. It had to learn where it could safely maneuver without taking out a visitor or a priceless artifact. Visitor, nonvisitor; display case, not-display case; open floor, not-open floor. It had to react to humans crossing in front of it in unpredictable ways. It had to learn to “see.”

Fast-forward five years: Thrun transferred to Stanford in July 2003. Inspired by the first Grand Challenge, he organized the Stanford Racing Team with the aim of fielding a robotic car in the second competition.

In a vast oversimplification of Stanley’s main task, the autonomous robot had to differentiate between road and not-road in order to navigate the route successfully. The Stanford team decided to focus its efforts on developing software and used as much off-the-shelf hardware as they could, including a laser to scan the immediate terrain and a simple video camera to scan the horizon. Software overlapped the two inputs, adapted to the changing road conditions on the fly, and determined a safe driving speed. (For more technical details on Stanley, check out the team’s paper.) A remote-control kill switch, which DARPA required on all vehicles, would deactivate the car before it could become a danger. About 100,000 lines of code did that and much more.

The Stanford team hadn’t entered the 2004 Grand Challenge and wasn’t expected to win the 2005 race. Carnegie Mellon, meanwhile, had two entries—a modified 1986 Humvee and a modified 1999 Hummer—and was the clear favorite. In the 2004 race, CMU’s Sandstorm had gone furthest, completing 12 km. For the second race, CMU brought an improved Sandstorm as well as a new vehicle, H1ghlander.

Many of the other 2004 competitors regrouped to try again, and new ones entered the fray. In all, 195 teams applied to compete in the 2005 event. Teams included students, academics, industry experts, and hobbyists.

After site visits in the spring, 43 teams made it to the qualifying event, held 27 September through 5 October at the California Speedway, in Fontana. Each vehicle took four runs through the course, navigating through checkpoints and avoiding obstacles. A total of 23 teams were selected to attempt the main course across the Mojave Desert. Competing was a costly endeavor—CMU’s Red Team spent more than $3 million in its first year—and the names of sponsors were splashed across the vehicles like the logos on race cars.

In the early hours of 8 October, the finalists gathered for the big race. Each team had a staggered start time to help avoid congestion along the route. About two hours before a team’s start, DARPA gave them a CD containing approximately 3,000 GPS coordinates representing the course. Once the team hit go, it was hands off: The car had to drive itself without any human intervention. PBS’s NOVA produced an excellent episode on the 2004 and 2005 Grand Challenges that I highly recommend if you want to get a feel for the excitement, anticipation, disappointment, and triumph.

In the 2005 Grand Challenge, Carnegie Mellon University’s H1ghlander was one of five autonomous cars to finish the race.Damian Dovarganes/AP

H1ghlander held the pole position, having placed first in the qualifying rounds, followed by Stanley and Sandstorm. H1ghlander pulled ahead early and soon had a substantial lead. That’s where luck, or rather the lack of it, came in.

About two hours into the race, H1ghlander slowed down and started rolling backward down a hill. Although it eventually resumed moving forward, it never regained its top speed, even on long, straight, level sections of the course. The slower but steadier Stanley caught up to H1ghlander at the 163-km (101.5-mile) marker, passed it, and never let go of the lead.

What went wrong with H1ghlander remained a mystery, even after extensive postrace analysis. It wasn’t until 12 years after the race—and once again with a bit of luck—that CMU discovered the problem: Pressing on a small electronic filter between the engine control module and the fuel injector caused the engine to lose power and even turn off. Team members speculated that an accident a few weeks before the competition had damaged the filter. (To learn more about how CMU finally figured this out, see Spectrum Senior Editor Evan Ackerman’s 2017 story.)

The Legacy of the DARPA Grand Challenge

Regardless of who won the Grand Challenge, many success stories came out of the contest. A year and a half after the race, Thrun had already made great progress on adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assistance, which is now readily available on many commercial vehicles. He then worked on Google’s Street View and its initial self-driving cars. CMU’s Red Team worked with NASA to develop rovers for potentially exploring the moon or distant planets. Closer to home, they helped develop self-propelled harvesters for the agricultural sector.

Stanford team leader Sebastian Thrun holds a $2 million check, the prize for winning the 2005 Grand Challenge.Damian Dovarganes/AP

Of course, there was also a lot of hype, which tended to overshadow the race’s militaristic origins—remember, the “D” in DARPA stands for “defense.” Back in 2000, a defense authorization bill had stipulated that one-third of the U.S. ground combat vehicles be “unmanned” by 2015, and DARPA conceived of the Grand Challenge to spur development of these autonomous vehicles. The U.S. military was still fighting in the Middle East, and DARPA promoters believed self-driving vehicles would help minimize casualties, particularly those caused by improvised explosive devices.

DARPA sponsored more contests, such as the 2007 Urban Challenge, in which vehicles navigated a simulated city and suburban environment; the 2012 Robotics Challenge for disaster-response robots; and the 2022 Subterranean Challenge for—you guessed it—robots that could get around underground. Despite the competitions, continued military conflicts, and hefty government contracts, actual advances in autonomous military vehicles and robots did not take off to the extent desired. As of 2023, robotic ground vehicles made up only 3 percent of the global armored-vehicle market.

Today, there are very few fully autonomous ground vehicles in the U.S. military; instead, the services have forged ahead with semiautonomous, operator-assisted systems, such as remote-controlled drones and ship autopilots. The one Grand Challenge finisher that continued to work for the U.S. military was Oshkosh Truck, the Wisconsin-based sponsor of the TerraMax. The company demonstrated a palletized loading system to transport cargo in unmanned vehicles for the U.S. Army.

Much of the contemporary reporting on the Grand Challenge predicted that self-driving cars would take us closer to a “Jetsons” future, with a self-driving vehicle to ferry you around. But two decades after Stanley, the rollout of civilian autonomous cars has been confined to specific applications, such as Waymo robotaxis transporting people around San Francisco or the GrubHub Starships struggling to deliver food across my campus at the University of South Carolina.

I’ll be watching to see how the technology evolves outside of big cities. Self-driving vehicles would be great for long distances on empty country roads, but parts of rural America still struggle to get adequate cellphone coverage. Will small towns and the spaces that surround them have the bandwidth to accommodate autonomous vehicles? As much as I’d like to think self-driving autos are nearly here, I don’t expect to find one under my carport anytime soon.

A Tale of Two Stanleys

Not long after the 2005 race, Stanley was ready to retire. Recalling his experience testing Minerva at the National Museum of American History, Thrun thought the museum would make a nice home. He loaned it to the museum in 2006, and since 2008 it has resided permanently in the museum’s collections, alongside other remarkable specimens in robotics and automobiles. In fact, it isn’t even the first Stanley in the collection.

Stanley now resides in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, which also houses another Stanley—this 1910 Stanley Runabout. Behring Center/National Museum of American History/Smithsonian Institution

That distinction belongs to a 1910 Stanley Runabout, an early steam-powered car introduced at a time when it wasn’t yet clear that the internal-combustion engine was the way to go. Despite clear drawbacks—steam engines had a nasty tendency to explode—“Stanley steamers” were known for their fine craftsmanship. Fred Marriott set the land speed record while driving a Stanley in 1906. It clocked in at 205.5 kilometers per hour, which was significantly faster than the 21st-century Stanley’s average speed of 30.7 km/hr. To be fair, Marriott’s Stanley was racing over a flat, straight course rather than the off-road terrain navigated by Thrun’s Stanley.

Across the century that separates the two Stanleys, it’s easy to trace a narrative of progress. Both are clearly recognizable as four-wheeled land vehicles, but I suspect the science-fiction dreamers of the early 20th century would have been hard-pressed to imagine the suite of technologies that would propel a 21st-century self-driving car. What will the vehicles of the early 22nd century be like? Will they even have four tires, or will they run on something entirely new?

Part of a continuing series looking at historical artifacts that embrace the boundless potential of technology.

An abridged version of this article appears in the February 2025 print issue as “Slow and Steady Wins the Race.”


Sebastian Thrun and his colleagues at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, along with members of the other groups that sponsored Stanley, published “Stanley: The Robot That Won the DARPA Grand Challenge.” This paper, from the Journal of Field Robotics, explains the vehicle’s development.

The NOVA PBS episode “The Great Robot Race provides interviews and video footage from both the failed first Grand Challenge and the successful second one. I personally liked the side story of GhostRider, an autonomous motorcycle that competed in both competitions but didn’t quite cut it. (GhostRider also now resides in the Smithsonian’s collection.)

Smithsonian curator Carlene Stephens kindly talked with me about how she collected Stanley for the National Museum of American History and where she sees artifacts like this fitting into the stream of history.

The 2004 DARPA Grand Challenge was a spectacular failure. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency had offered a US $1 million prize for the team that could design an autonomous ground vehicle capable of completing an off-road course through sometimes flat, sometimes winding and mountainous desert terrain. As IEEE Spectrum reported at the time, it was “the motleyest assortment of vehicles assembled in one place since the filming of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.” Not a single entrant made it across the finish line. Some didn’t make it out of the parking lot.

Videos of the attempts are comical, although any laughter comes at the expense of the many engineers who spent countless hours and millions of dollars to get to that point.

So it’s all the more remarkable that in the second DARPA Grand Challenge, just a year and a half later, five vehicles crossed the finish line. Stanley, developed by the Stanford Racing Team, eked out a first-place win to claim the $2 million purse. This modified Volkswagen Touareg [shown at top] completed the 212-kilometer course in 6 hours, 54 minutes. Carnegie Mellon’s Sandstorm and H1ghlander took second and third place, respectively, with times of 7:05 and 7:14.

Kat-5, sponsored by the Gray Insurance Co. of Metairie, La., came in fourth with a respectable 7:30. The vehicle was named after Hurricane Katrina, which had just pummeled the Gulf Coast a month and a half earlier. Oshkosh Truck’s TerraMax also finished the circuit, although its time of 12:51 exceeded the 10-hour time limit set by DARPA.

So how did the Grand Challenge go from a total bust to having five robust finishers in such a short period of time? It’s definitely a testament to what can be accomplished when engineers rise to a challenge. But the outcome of this one race was preceded by a much longer path of research, and that plus a little bit of luck are what ultimately led to victory.

Before Stanley, there was Minerva

Let’s back up to 1998, when computer scientist Sebastian Thrun was working at Carnegie Mellon and experimenting with a very different robot: a museum tour guide. For two weeks in the summer, Minerva, which looked a bit like a Dalek from “Doctor Who,” navigated an exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Its main task was to roll around and dispense nuggets of information about the displays.

Minerva was a museum tour-guide robot developed by Sebastian Thrun.

In an interview at the time, Thrun acknowledged that Minerva was there to entertain. But Minerva wasn’t just a people pleaser ; it was also a machine learning experiment. It had to learn where it could safely maneuver without taking out a visitor or a priceless artifact. Visitor, nonvisitor; display case, not-display case; open floor, not-open floor. It had to react to humans crossing in front of it in unpredictable ways. It had to learn to “see.”

Fast-forward five years: Thrun transferred to Stanford in July 2003. Inspired by the first Grand Challenge, he organized the Stanford Racing Team with the aim of fielding a robotic car in the second competition.

In a vast oversimplification of Stanley’s main task, the autonomous robot had to differentiate between road and not-road in order to navigate the route successfully. The Stanford team decided to focus its efforts on developing software and used as much off-the-shelf hardware as they could, including a laser to scan the immediate terrain and a simple video camera to scan the horizon. Software overlapped the two inputs, adapted to the changing road conditions on the fly, and determined a safe driving speed. (For more technical details on Stanley, check out the team’s paper.) A remote-control kill switch, which DARPA required on all vehicles, would deactivate the car before it could become a danger. About 100,000 lines of code did that and much more.

The Stanford team hadn’t entered the 2004 Grand Challenge and wasn’t expected to win the 2005 race. Carnegie Mellon, meanwhile, had two entries—a modified 1986 Humvee and a modified 1999 Hummer—and was the clear favorite. In the 2004 race, CMU’s Sandstorm had gone furthest, completing 12 km. For the second race, CMU brought an improved Sandstorm as well as a new vehicle, H1ghlander.

Many of the other 2004 competitors regrouped to try again, and new ones entered the fray. In all, 195 teams applied to compete in the 2005 event. Teams included students, academics, industry experts, and hobbyists.

After site visits in the spring, 43 teams made it to the qualifying event, held 27 September through 5 October at the California Speedway, in Fontana. Each vehicle took four runs through the course, navigating through checkpoints and avoiding obstacles. A total of 23 teams were selected to attempt the main course across the Mojave Desert. Competing was a costly endeavor—CMU’s Red Team spent more than $3 million in its first year—and the names of sponsors were splashed across the vehicles like the logos on race cars.

In the early hours of 8 October, the finalists gathered for the big race. Each team had a staggered start time to help avoid congestion along the route. About two hours before a team’s start, DARPA gave them a CD containing approximately 3,000 GPS coordinates representing the course. Once the team hit go, it was hands off: The car had to drive itself without any human intervention. PBS’s NOVA produced an excellent episode on the 2004 and 2005 Grand Challenges that I highly recommend if you want to get a feel for the excitement, anticipation, disappointment, and triumph.

In the 2005 Grand Challenge, Carnegie Mellon University’s H1ghlander was one of five autonomous cars to finish the race.Damian Dovarganes/AP

H1ghlander held the pole position, having placed first in the qualifying rounds, followed by Stanley and Sandstorm. H1ghlander pulled ahead early and soon had a substantial lead. That’s where luck, or rather the lack of it, came in.

About two hours into the race, H1ghlander slowed down and started rolling backward down a hill. Although it eventually resumed moving forward, it never regained its top speed, even on long, straight, level sections of the course. The slower but steadier Stanley caught up to H1ghlander at the 163-km (101.5-mile) marker, passed it, and never let go of the lead.

What went wrong with H1ghlander remained a mystery, even after extensive postrace analysis. It wasn’t until 12 years after the race—and once again with a bit of luck—that CMU discovered the problem: Pressing on a small electronic filter between the engine control module and the fuel injector caused the engine to lose power and even turn off. Team members speculated that an accident a few weeks before the competition had damaged the filter. (To learn more about how CMU finally figured this out, see Spectrum Senior Editor Evan Ackerman’s 2017 story.)

The Legacy of the DARPA Grand Challenge

Regardless of who won the Grand Challenge, many success stories came out of the contest. A year and a half after the race, Thrun had already made great progress on adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assistance, which is now readily available on many commercial vehicles. He then worked on Google’s Street View and its initial self-driving cars. CMU’s Red Team worked with NASA to develop rovers for potentially exploring the moon or distant planets. Closer to home, they helped develop self-propelled harvesters for the agricultural sector.

Stanford team leader Sebastian Thrun holds a $2 million check, the prize for winning the 2005 Grand Challenge.Damian Dovarganes/AP

Of course, there was also a lot of hype, which tended to overshadow the race’s militaristic origins—remember, the “D” in DARPA stands for “defense.” Back in 2000, a defense authorization bill had stipulated that one-third of the U.S. ground combat vehicles be “unmanned” by 2015, and DARPA conceived of the Grand Challenge to spur development of these autonomous vehicles. The U.S. military was still fighting in the Middle East, and DARPA promoters believed self-driving vehicles would help minimize casualties, particularly those caused by improvised explosive devices.

DARPA sponsored more contests, such as the 2007 Urban Challenge, in which vehicles navigated a simulated city and suburban environment; the 2012 Robotics Challenge for disaster-response robots; and the 2022 Subterranean Challenge for—you guessed it—robots that could get around underground. Despite the competitions, continued military conflicts, and hefty government contracts, actual advances in autonomous military vehicles and robots did not take off to the extent desired. As of 2023, robotic ground vehicles made up only 3 percent of the global armored-vehicle market.

Today, there are very few fully autonomous ground vehicles in the U.S. military; instead, the services have forged ahead with semiautonomous, operator-assisted systems, such as remote-controlled drones and ship autopilots. The one Grand Challenge finisher that continued to work for the U.S. military was Oshkosh Truck, the Wisconsin-based sponsor of the TerraMax. The company demonstrated a palletized loading system to transport cargo in unmanned vehicles for the U.S. Army.

Much of the contemporary reporting on the Grand Challenge predicted that self-driving cars would take us closer to a “Jetsons” future, with a self-driving vehicle to ferry you around. But two decades after Stanley, the rollout of civilian autonomous cars has been confined to specific applications, such as Waymo robotaxis transporting people around San Francisco or the GrubHub Starships struggling to deliver food across my campus at the University of South Carolina.

I’ll be watching to see how the technology evolves outside of big cities. Self-driving vehicles would be great for long distances on empty country roads, but parts of rural America still struggle to get adequate cellphone coverage. Will small towns and the spaces that surround them have the bandwidth to accommodate autonomous vehicles? As much as I’d like to think self-driving autos are nearly here, I don’t expect to find one under my carport anytime soon.

A Tale of Two Stanleys

Not long after the 2005 race, Stanley was ready to retire. Recalling his experience testing Minerva at the National Museum of American History, Thrun thought the museum would make a nice home. He loaned it to the museum in 2006, and since 2008 it has resided permanently in the museum’s collections, alongside other remarkable specimens in robotics and automobiles. In fact, it isn’t even the first Stanley in the collection.

Stanley now resides in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History, which also houses another Stanley—this 1910 Stanley Runabout. Behring Center/National Museum of American History/Smithsonian Institution

That distinction belongs to a 1910 Stanley Runabout, an early steam-powered car introduced at a time when it wasn’t yet clear that the internal-combustion engine was the way to go. Despite clear drawbacks—steam engines had a nasty tendency to explode—“Stanley steamers” were known for their fine craftsmanship. Fred Marriott set the land speed record while driving a Stanley in 1906. It clocked in at 205.5 kilometers per hour, which was significantly faster than the 21st-century Stanley’s average speed of 30.7 km/hr. To be fair, Marriott’s Stanley was racing over a flat, straight course rather than the off-road terrain navigated by Thrun’s Stanley.

Across the century that separates the two Stanleys, it’s easy to trace a narrative of progress. Both are clearly recognizable as four-wheeled land vehicles, but I suspect the science-fiction dreamers of the early 20th century would have been hard-pressed to imagine the suite of technologies that would propel a 21st-century self-driving car. What will the vehicles of the early 22nd century be like? Will they even have four tires, or will they run on something entirely new?

Part of a continuing series looking at historical artifacts that embrace the boundless potential of technology.

An abridged version of this article appears in the February 2025 print issue as “Slow and Steady Wins the Race.”


Sebastian Thrun and his colleagues at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, along with members of the other groups that sponsored Stanley, published “Stanley: The Robot That Won the DARPA Grand Challenge.” This paper, from the Journal of Field Robotics, explains the vehicle’s development.

The NOVA PBS episode “The Great Robot Race provides interviews and video footage from both the failed first Grand Challenge and the successful second one. I personally liked the side story of GhostRider, an autonomous motorcycle that competed in both competitions but didn’t quite cut it. (GhostRider also now resides in the Smithsonian’s collection.)

Smithsonian curator Carlene Stephens kindly talked with me about how she collected Stanley for the National Museum of American History and where she sees artifacts like this fitting into the stream of history.

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTONRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELES

Enjoy today’s videos!

This video about ‘foster’ Aibos helping kids at a children’s hospital is well worth turning on auto-translated subtitles for.

[ Aibo Foster Program ]

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself again. I am Unitree H1 “Fuxi”. I am now a comedian at the Spring Festival Gala, hoping to bring joy to everyone. Let’s push boundaries every day and shape the future together.

[ Unitree ]

Happy Chinese New Year from PNDbotics!

[ PNDbotics ]

In celebration of the upcoming Year of the Snake, TRON 1 swishes into three little lions, eager to spread hope, courage, and strength to everyone in 2025. Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year and all the best, TRON TRON TRON!

[ LimX Dynamics ]

Designing planners and controllers for contact-rich manipulation is extremely challenging as contact violates the smoothness conditions that many gradient-based controller synthesis tools assume. We introduce natural baselines for leveraging contact smoothing to compute (a) open-loop plans robust to uncertain conditions and/or dynamics, and (b) feedback gains to stabilize around open-loop plans.

Mr. Bucket is my favorite.

[ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ]

Thanks, Yuki!

What do you get when you put three aliens in a robotaxi? The first-ever Zoox commercial! We hope you have as much fun watching it as we had creating it and can’t wait for you to experience your first ride in the not-too-distant future.

[ Zoox ]

The Humanoids Summit at the Computer History Museum in December was successful enough (either because of or in spite of my active participation) that it’s not only happening again in 2025: There’s also going to be a spring version of the conference in London in May!

[ Humanoids Summit ]

I’m not sure it’ll ever be practical at scale, but I do really like JSK’s musculoskeletal humanoid work.

[ Paper ]

In November 2024, as part of the CRS-31 mission, flight controllers remotely maneuvered Canadarm2 and Dextre to extract a payload from the SpaceX Dragon cargo ship’s trunk (CRS-31) and install it on the International Space Station. This animation was developed in preparation for the operation and shows just how complex robotic tasks can be.

[ Canadian Space Agency ]

Staci Americas, a third-party logistics provider, addressed its inventory challenges by implementing the Corvus One™ Autonomous Inventory Management System in its Georgia and New Jersey facilities. The system uses autonomous drones for nightly, lights-out inventory scans, identifying discrepancies and improving workflow efficiency.

[ Corvus Robotics ]

Thanks, Joan!

I would have said that this controller was too small to be manipulated with a pinch grasp. I would be wrong.

[ Pollen ]

How does NASA plan to use resources on the surface of the Moon? One method is the ISRU Pilot Excavator, or IPEx! Designed by Kennedy Space Center’s Swamp Works team, the primary goal of IPEx is to dig up lunar soil, known as regolith, and transport it across the Moon’s surface.

[ NASA ]

The TBS Mojito is an advanced forward-swept FPV flying wing platform that delivers unmatched efficiency and flight endurance. By focusing relentlessly on minimizing drag, the wing reaches speeds upwards of 200 km/h (125 mph), while cruising at 90-120 km/h (60-75 mph) with minimal power consumption.

[ Team BlackSheep ]

At Zoox, safety is more than a priority—it’s foundational to our mission and one of the core reasons we exist. Our System Design & Mission Assurance (SDMA) team is responsible for building the framework for safe autonomous driving. Our Co-Founder and CTO, Jesse Levinson, and Senior Director of System Design and Mission Assurance (SDMA), Qi Hommes, hosted a LinkedIn Live to provide an insider’s overview of the teams responsible for developing the metrics that ensure our technology is safe for deployment on public roads.

[ Zoox ]

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion.

RoboCup German Open: 12–16 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYGerman Robotics Conference: 13–15 March 2025, NUREMBERG, GERMANYEuropean Robotics Forum: 25–27 March 2025, STUTTGART, GERMANYRoboSoft 2025: 23–26 April 2025, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLANDICUAS 2025: 14–17 May 2025, CHARLOTTE, NCICRA 2025: 19–23 May 2025, ATLANTALondon Humanoids Summit: 29–30 May 2025, LONDONIEEE RCAR 2025: 1–6 June 2025, TOYAMA, JAPAN2025 Energy Drone & Robotics Summit: 16–18 June 2025, HOUSTONRSS 2025: 21–25 June 2025, LOS ANGELES

Enjoy today’s videos!

This video about ‘foster’ Aibos helping kids at a children’s hospital is well worth turning on auto-translated subtitles for.

[ Aibo Foster Program ]

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself again. I am Unitree H1 “Fuxi”. I am now a comedian at the Spring Festival Gala, hoping to bring joy to everyone. Let’s push boundaries every day and shape the future together.

[ Unitree ]

Happy Chinese New Year from PNDbotics!

[ PNDbotics ]

In celebration of the upcoming Year of the Snake, TRON 1 swishes into three little lions, eager to spread hope, courage, and strength to everyone in 2025. Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year and all the best, TRON TRON TRON!

[ LimX Dynamics ]

Designing planners and controllers for contact-rich manipulation is extremely challenging as contact violates the smoothness conditions that many gradient-based controller synthesis tools assume. We introduce natural baselines for leveraging contact smoothing to compute (a) open-loop plans robust to uncertain conditions and/or dynamics, and (b) feedback gains to stabilize around open-loop plans.

Mr. Bucket is my favorite.

[ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ]

Thanks, Yuki!

What do you get when you put three aliens in a robotaxi? The first-ever Zoox commercial! We hope you have as much fun watching it as we had creating it and can’t wait for you to experience your first ride in the not-too-distant future.

[ Zoox ]

The Humanoids Summit at the Computer History Museum in December was successful enough (either because of or in spite of my active participation) that it’s not only happening again in 2025: There’s also going to be a spring version of the conference in London in May!

[ Humanoids Summit ]

I’m not sure it’ll ever be practical at scale, but I do really like JSK’s musculoskeletal humanoid work.

[ Paper ]

In November 2024, as part of the CRS-31 mission, flight controllers remotely maneuvered Canadarm2 and Dextre to extract a payload from the SpaceX Dragon cargo ship’s trunk (CRS-31) and install it on the International Space Station. This animation was developed in preparation for the operation and shows just how complex robotic tasks can be.

[ Canadian Space Agency ]

Staci Americas, a third-party logistics provider, addressed its inventory challenges by implementing the Corvus One™ Autonomous Inventory Management System in its Georgia and New Jersey facilities. The system uses autonomous drones for nightly, lights-out inventory scans, identifying discrepancies and improving workflow efficiency.

[ Corvus Robotics ]

Thanks, Joan!

I would have said that this controller was too small to be manipulated with a pinch grasp. I would be wrong.

[ Pollen ]

How does NASA plan to use resources on the surface of the Moon? One method is the ISRU Pilot Excavator, or IPEx! Designed by Kennedy Space Center’s Swamp Works team, the primary goal of IPEx is to dig up lunar soil, known as regolith, and transport it across the Moon’s surface.

[ NASA ]

The TBS Mojito is an advanced forward-swept FPV flying wing platform that delivers unmatched efficiency and flight endurance. By focusing relentlessly on minimizing drag, the wing reaches speeds upwards of 200 km/h (125 mph), while cruising at 90-120 km/h (60-75 mph) with minimal power consumption.

[ Team BlackSheep ]

At Zoox, safety is more than a priority—it’s foundational to our mission and one of the core reasons we exist. Our System Design & Mission Assurance (SDMA) team is responsible for building the framework for safe autonomous driving. Our Co-Founder and CTO, Jesse Levinson, and Senior Director of System Design and Mission Assurance (SDMA), Qi Hommes, hosted a LinkedIn Live to provide an insider’s overview of the teams responsible for developing the metrics that ensure our technology is safe for deployment on public roads.

[ Zoox ]

Most people know that robots no longer sound like tinny trash cans. They sound like Siri, Alexa, and Gemini. They sound like the voices in labyrinthine customer support phone trees. And even those robot voices are being made obsolete by new AI-generated voices that can mimic every vocal nuance and tic of human speech, down to specific regional accents. And with just a few seconds of audio, AI can now clone someone’s specific voice.

This technology will replace humans in many areas. Automated customer support will save money by cutting staffing at call centers. AI agents will make calls on our behalf, conversing with others in natural language. All of that is happening, and will be commonplace soon.

But there is something fundamentally different about talking with a bot as opposed to a person. A person can be a friend. An AI cannot be a friend, despite how people might treat it or react to it. AI is at best a tool, and at worst a means of manipulation. Humans need to know whether we’re talking with a living, breathing person or a robot with an agenda set by the person who controls it. That’s why robots should sound like robots.

You can’t just label AI-generated speech. It will come in many different forms. So we need a way to recognize AI that works no matter the modality. It needs to work for long or short snippets of audio, even just a second long. It needs to work for any language, and in any cultural context. At the same time, we shouldn’t constrain the underlying system’s sophistication or language complexity.

We have a simple proposal: all talking AIs and robots should use a ring modulator. In the mid-twentieth century, before it was easy to create actual robotic-sounding speech synthetically, ring modulators were used to make actors’ voices sound robotic. Over the last few decades, we have become accustomed to robotic voices, simply because text-to-speech systems were good enough to produce intelligible speech that was not human-like in its sound. Now we can use that same technology to make robotic speech that is indistinguishable from human sound robotic again.

A ring modulator has several advantages: It is computationally simple, can be applied in real-time, does not affect the intelligibility of the voice, and--most importantly--is universally “robotic sounding” because of its historical usage for depicting robots.

Responsible AI companies that provide voice synthesis or AI voice assistants in any form should add a ring modulator of some standard frequency (say, between 30-80 Hz) and of a minimum amplitude (say, 20 percent). That’s it. People will catch on quickly.

Here are a couple of examples you can listen to for examples of what we’re suggesting. The first clip is an AI-generated “podcast” of this article made by Google’s NotebookLM featuring two AI “hosts.” Google’s NotebookLM created the podcast script and audio given only the text of this article. The next two clips feature that same podcast with the AIs’ voices modulated more and less subtly by a ring modulator:

Raw audio sample generated by Google’s NotebookLM Your browser does not support the audio element.

Audio sample with added ring modulator (30 Hz-25%) Your browser does not support the audio element.

Audio sample with added ring modulator (30 Hz-40%) Your browser does not support the audio element.

We were able to generate the audio effect with a 50-line Python script generated by Anthropic’s Claude. One of the most well-known robot voices were those of the Daleks from Doctor Who in the 1960s. Back then robot voices were difficult to synthesize, so the audio was actually an actor’s voice run through a ring modulator. It was set to around 30 Hz, as we did in our example, with different modulation depth (amplitude) depending on how strong the robotic effect is meant to be. Our expectation is that the AI industry will test and converge on a good balance of such parameters and settings, and will use better tools than a 50-line Python script, but this highlights how simple it is to achieve.

Of course there will also be nefarious uses of AI voices. Scams that use voice cloning have been getting easier every year, but they’ve been possible for many years with the right know-how. Just like we’re learning that we can no longer trust images and videos we see because they could easily have been AI-generated, we will all soon learn that someone who sounds like a family member urgently requesting money may just be a scammer using a voice-cloning tool.

We don’t expect scammers to follow our proposal: They’ll find a way no matter what. But that’s always true of security standards, and a rising tide lifts all boats. We think the bulk of the uses will be with popular voice APIs from major companies--and everyone should know that they’re talking with a robot.

Most people know that robots no longer sound like tinny trash cans. They sound like Siri, Alexa, and Gemini. They sound like the voices in labyrinthine customer support phone trees. And even those robot voices are being made obsolete by new AI-generated voices that can mimic every vocal nuance and tic of human speech, down to specific regional accents. And with just a few seconds of audio, AI can now clone someone’s specific voice.

This technology will replace humans in many areas. Automated customer support will save money by cutting staffing at call centers. AI agents will make calls on our behalf, conversing with others in natural language. All of that is happening, and will be commonplace soon.

But there is something fundamentally different about talking with a bot as opposed to a person. A person can be a friend. An AI cannot be a friend, despite how people might treat it or react to it. AI is at best a tool, and at worst a means of manipulation. Humans need to know whether we’re talking with a living, breathing person or a robot with an agenda set by the person who controls it. That’s why robots should sound like robots.

You can’t just label AI-generated speech. It will come in many different forms. So we need a way to recognize AI that works no matter the modality. It needs to work for long or short snippets of audio, even just a second long. It needs to work for any language, and in any cultural context. At the same time, we shouldn’t constrain the underlying system’s sophistication or language complexity.

We have a simple proposal: all talking AIs and robots should use a ring modulator. In the mid-twentieth century, before it was easy to create actual robotic-sounding speech synthetically, ring modulators were used to make actors’ voices sound robotic. Over the last few decades, we have become accustomed to robotic voices, simply because text-to-speech systems were good enough to produce intelligible speech that was not human-like in its sound. Now we can use that same technology to make robotic speech that is indistinguishable from human sound robotic again.

A ring modulator has several advantages: It is computationally simple, can be applied in real-time, does not affect the intelligibility of the voice, and--most importantly--is universally “robotic sounding” because of its historical usage for depicting robots.

Responsible AI companies that provide voice synthesis or AI voice assistants in any form should add a ring modulator of some standard frequency (say, between 30-80 Hz) and of a minimum amplitude (say, 20 percent). That’s it. People will catch on quickly.

Here are a couple of examples you can listen to for examples of what we’re suggesting. The first clip is an AI-generated “podcast” of this article made by Google’s NotebookLM featuring two AI “hosts.” Google’s NotebookLM created the podcast script and audio given only the text of this article. The next two clips feature that same podcast with the AIs’ voices modulated more and less subtly by a ring modulator:

Raw audio sample generated by Google’s NotebookLM Your browser does not support the audio element.

Audio sample with added ring modulator (30 Hz-25%) Your browser does not support the audio element.

Audio sample with added ring modulator (30 Hz-40%) Your browser does not support the audio element.

We were able to generate the audio effect with a 50-line Python script generated by Anthropic’s Claude. One of the most well-known robot voices were those of the Daleks from Doctor Who in the 1960s. Back then robot voices were difficult to synthesize, so the audio was actually an actor’s voice run through a ring modulator. It was set to around 30 Hz, as we did in our example, with different modulation depth (amplitude) depending on how strong the robotic effect is meant to be. Our expectation is that the AI industry will test and converge on a good balance of such parameters and settings, and will use better tools than a 50-line Python script, but this highlights how simple it is to achieve.

Of course there will also be nefarious uses of AI voices. Scams that use voice cloning have been getting easier every year, but they’ve been possible for many years with the right know-how. Just like we’re learning that we can no longer trust images and videos we see because they could easily have been AI-generated, we will all soon learn that someone who sounds like a family member urgently requesting money may just be a scammer using a voice-cloning tool.

We don’t expect scammers to follow our proposal: They’ll find a way no matter what. But that’s always true of security standards, and a rising tide lifts all boats. We think the bulk of the uses will be with popular voice APIs from major companies--and everyone should know that they’re talking with a robot.
