2012-2015 INTELO: RObotic Inspection of Train and Road Bridges
INTELO means "INspection TElévisuelle des Ouvrages": Remote Inspection of train and road bridges.
It was a project co-founded by Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes with European funds (FEDER).
It involved the firms
- Structure et Réhabilitation (S&R)
- Mobilev
the Mechanical Department of INSA Lyon (Université de Lyon) and the research laboratory Ampère.
The firm Structure et Réhabilitation had to design a mobile robotic system aiming at taking pictures of sides and the underside of train and road bridges.
This system had to be embarked on a small vehicle able to proceed along the train rails while some high speed train could pass.
It had to shoot every important hidden part of bridge and detect cracks.
A prototype has been built. It is currently used by the firm S&R and is marketed by Mobilev.
Student projects: K. Heuze & N. Barret 2012, E. Hameau & L. Koffel 2013