Dissemination of knowledge
Submitted by aleleve on Wed, 08/23/2017 - 21:51
- 2020 "Pesticide-free Robotic Control of Agricultural Pests", 21th scientific workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Farming Robotics (INRAE), organized by RobAgri association during FIRA 2020 exhibition
- 2016 Half day talk "la robotique industrielle à la robotique médicale" (from Industrial Robotics to Medical Robotics),
invited by the Association des Anciens et Amis du CNRS (A3) towards teachers of ORT school in Lyon. - 2015 From Medical Gesture Training to its Assesment , scientific day of GT1 Robotics and health, and LABEX CAMI, in Lyon
- 2015 Arnaud Lelevé, Richard Moreau, Minh Tu Pham, Tanneguy Redarce. Simulation haptique pour l'apprentissage pratique en médecine (Haptic Simulation for Hands-on Training in Medicine),
paper published in quarterly revue "Interface" by Association des ingénieurs INSA (Alumni) n°12.. 2015, pp.92-93. (hal-01177088) - "Haptique et simulation au laboratoire Ampère", Thematic School "Medical and Surgical Simulator Design, in Lyon, France.
- 2015 "INTELO, un véhicule automatique pour surveiller l’évolution des ouvrages d’art" (INTELO, an automated vehicle to monitor the evolution of bridges),
paper published in "la lettre innovation" nb 16 of CNRS, 09/21/2015. - 2014 "La recherche en mécatronique à l'INSA de Lyon" (Research in Mechatronics at INSA Lyon),
talk at Journées Robotique Confluence PME, organized by ARDI Rhône Alpes and CETIM in Lyon. - 2006 Course " Intégration des objets pédagogiques de simulation dans un LMS" (Integration of Simulation Pedagogical Objects in a LMS) (collaboration with M. Joab from LIRMM) and Laboratory (collaboration with P. Leroux from LIUM) ,
Summer school "Simulation, réalités virtuelles et augmentées et apprentissages professionnels" (Virtual and Augmented Reality, Professional learnings), organized by CNRS.