Student: Dr Hacen Benmohamed
French title: ICTT@Lab: un environnement informatique pour la génération et l’exécution de scénarios de téléTP
Summary (in French)
Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le domaine de la e-formation, et concernent la conception d'un environnement générique de téléTP en sciences de l'ingénierie, accompagné d'une méthodologie de mise à distance de dispositifs technologiques. Jusqu'alors la e-formation se limitait aux domaines où l'enseignement théorique prime sur l'enseignement pratique et les manipulations. Pour faire de la e-formation un outil viable et largement utilisé, les téléTP doivent y avoir une place centrale car ils répondent à un besoin reconnu d'activités pratiques dans les disciplines scientifiques et techniques. Cette intégration doit s'accompagner des mêmes facilités d'édition, d'utilisation et de réutilisabilité que les autres contenus, plus conceptuels (téléCours, téléTD, téléProjet, ...). Dans ce contexte, nous proposons un framework, nommé ICTT@Lab (generIC framework for remoTe and virTu@l Laboratory integration), s'intégrant dans une plate-forme d'e-formation aux côtés d'un LMS compatible avec la spécification IMS-LD et fournissant les services nécessaires et spécifiques à l'édition et à la réalisation de téléTP. En se basant sur des ontologies spécifiant composants et fonctionnalités classiques d'un dispositif technologique, les auteurs de scénarios peuvent désormais éditer leurs scénarios pédagogiques au format IMS-LD et les lier à une classe de dispositifs technologiques (réels ou virtuels). Ils les rendent ainsi compatibles avec n'importe quel dispositif associé à la même classe, autorisant de fait, la réutilisation de leur production sur d'autres plates-formes de téléTP. L'ensemble de cette architecture est accompagné d'une chaîne d'édition complète dédiée au téléTP. La sécurité du dispositif (point sensible à distance) donne lieu à une analyse AMDEC et une interprétation de cet aspect dans nos modèles. Une expérimentation située dans un plan d'expériences (Tagushi) a été réalisée sur un téléTP d'automatique.
Keywords: E-Labs, Remote Laboratories, E-Learning, System Engineering, Learning Management System
Report (in French) available in PDF here
Supervised by Dr Arnaud Lelevé and Prof. Patrick Prévot.
Started in end of 2003, defended in January 2007
Communications: [LEL-02, LEL-03, BEN-04, LEL-04a, LEL-04b, BEN-05, LEL-05, BEN-06a, BEN-06b, GRA-06, COQ 07, BEN 08]
Student: Dr Saher ARNOUS
Powered by the technological advances of the “Information and communication sciences and technologies”, the Electronic Laboratory for practical training “ELab” (also known as ELab hands-on training) became an insisting teaching mode especially in the technical and scientific disciplines. However, several ELab modes were emerged, led by the pedagogical variety in engineering sciences: virtual ELab, remote ELab, Local Elab, etc. the two last ELab modes require the use of hardware devices (pedagogical models, measuring devices, robots, etc.). Almost in most cases, those devices need to be reconfigured according to pedagogical objectives. For complex systems, like Automated Production Systems, this reconfiguration process requires technical skills which the instructor does not have systematically. This imposes that a technician should be available, or the usage of the pedagogical platform will be limited to certain number of skilled instructors.
Accordingly, this research aims to facilitate the reconfiguration process of complex systems (particularly the APS) under ELabs. For that, a first survey designated to the users of «AIP-Priméca-RAO», located at the INSA de Lyon, had specified the needs and constraints related to a platform encountering this problem. It has been found that beyond the (re)configuration, a time wasting for the users was detected due to the absence of a common tool for pedagogical resources management. This work fed the design of software tool managing an editorial chain aiming at simplifying creation, edition, assembling, organization, reuse of different resources that can be exploited in an ELab session. This tool is intended as well to improve the autonomy of the instructor during the preparation of an ELab session, by reducing the required time to configure this session. This implies to automate the reconfiguration process of an APS supporting the ELab, and publishing the pedagogical learning scenarios on a Learning Management System (LMS).
In order to validate this design, a prototype has been developed and tested on real cases ELabs.
Subsequently, this tool could be made more generic so that it can serve Elabs of different
Keywords: E-Labs, E-Learning, System Engineering, Learning Management System, Authoring System, Automated Production System
Report (in French) available in PDF here
Supervised by Dr Arnaud Lelevé and Prof. Patrick Prévot.
Started in 2007, defended in Sept 2014
Title: Sliding-Mode Control of Pneumatic Actuators for Robots and Telerobots
Keywords: Haptics, Teleoperation, Pneumatics, Automatic Control
Student: Sean HODGSON
School: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Period: Feb to July 2011
Followed by : a position in a company in Canada
Title: Control of a teleoperated haptic pneumatic interface with long hoses
Keywords: Haptics, Medical Robotics, Pneumatics, Teleoperation
Supervised with : Minh Tu PHAM
Student: Anais BRYGO
Period: Feb to July 2012
Followed by a PhD at Robotics Lab@IIT (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) in Gena, Italy
Title: Design and Control of a Multi-degree-of-freedom Pneumatic Robot
Keywords: Medical Robotics, Pneumatics
Student: Julio SANDOVAL
Supervised with : Minh Tu PHAM
Period: Feb to July 2012
Followed by : a position in Adeneo as Mecatronics Engineer
Title: Dual User Haptic Training System
Keywords: Haptics, Hands-on Training, Simulation, , Medical Robotics
Student: Fei LIU
Period: Feb to July 2013
Financed by China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Followed by : 2013-2016 PhD: Dual-user Haptic Training System
Student: Dr Fei LIU
More particularly in the medical field, gesture quality is primordial. Professionals have to follow hands-on trainings to acquire a sufficient level of skills in the call of duty. For a decade, computer based simulators have helped the learners in numerous learnings, but these simulations still have to be associated with hands-on trainings on manikins, animals or cadavers, even if they do not always provide a sufficient level of realism and they are costly in the long term. Therefore, their training period has to finish on real patients, which is risky.
Haptic simulators (furnishing an effort feeling) are becoming a more appropriated solution as they can reproduce realist efforts applied by organs onto the tools and they can provide countless prerecorded use cases. However, learning alone on a simulator is not always efficient compared to a fellowship training (or supervised training) where the instructor and the trainee manipulate together the same tools.
Thus, this study introduces an haptic system for supervised hands-on training: the instructor and the trainee interoperate through their own haptic interface. They collaborate either with a real tool dived into a real environment (the tool is handled by a robotic arm), or with a virtual tool/environment. An energetic approach, using in particular the port-Hamiltonian modelling, has been used to ensure the stability and the robustness of the system.
This system has been designed and validated experimentally on a one degree of freedom haptic interface. A comparative study with two other dual-user haptic systems (in simulation) showed the interest of this new architecture for hands-on training. In order to use this system when both users are away from each other, this study proposes some enhancements to cope with constant communication time delays, but they are not optimized yet.
Keywords: Haptics, Simulation, Fellowship Training, Hands-on Training, Dual-User System, Passivity, Comparative Study, Communication Delay, Port-Hamiltonian Modelling
Report available in PDF here
Supervised by Damien Ébérard, Tanneguy Redarce and Arnaud Lelevé
Period: started in October 2013 and defended on 09/22/2016
Financed by China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Realized after: 2013 MSc: Dual User Haptic Training System
Title: Integration of a pneumatic cylinder into a teleoperation chain
Keywords: Haptics, Remote Echography, Medical Robotics
Student: Ibrahim ABDALLAH
Supervised with: Xavier BRUN
Period: Feb to July 2014
Title: Study and Design of a Epidural Anaesthesia Simulator
Keywords: Haptics, Hands-on Training, Simulation, Anaesthetics, Medical Robotics
Student: Pierre-Jean ALES-ROUX
Supervised with: Richard MOREAU
Research project: PERISIM
Period: Feb to July 2015
Financed by IDEFI SAMSEI
Pierre-Jean Alès Roux, Nicolas Herzig, Arnaud Lelevé, Richard Moreau, Christian Bauer. 3D Haptic Rendering of Tissues for Epidural Needle Insertion using an Electro-Pneumatic 7 Degrees of Freedom Device. Oct 2016, Daejeon, South Korea. IEEE, 2016, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.. hal-01340723
MSc Internship Supervision
Keywords: Haptics, Hands-on Training, Simulation, Anaesthetics, Medical Robotics
Student: Thibaut SENAC
Supervised with: Richard MOREAU
Research project: PERISIM
Period: Feb to July 2016
Financed by IDEFI SAMSEI
Thibaut Senac, Arnaud Lelevé, Richard Moreau. Control laws for pneumatic cylinder in order to emulate the Loss Of Resistance principle. Proc. of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC, 2017), Toulouse, France. hal-01506823
Title: Haptic System Control for a Laparoscopy Simulator
Keywords: Haptics, Hands-on Training, Simulation, Laparoscopy, Medical Robotics
Student: Charles BARNOUIN
Supervised with: Richard MOREAU
Project:: LAPAROSim
Period: Feb to July 2016
Financed by IDEFI SAMSEI
Remarks: Charles has next continued with a PhD Thesis at LIRIS laboratory with Florence Zara and Fabrice Jaillet.
Charles Barnouin, Benjamin De Witte, Richard Moreau, Arnaud Lelevé, Xavier Martin. Cost-Efficient Laparoscopic Haptic Trainer based on Affine Velocity Analysis. Surgetica 2017, Nov 2017, Strasbourg, France. 2017, hal-01563262
Title: Design and Realization of a Proof of Concept Bench for Greenshield Project
Keywords: Robotics, Spectrometry
Student: Toufik BENTALEB
Supervised with: Bruno MASENELLI from INL lab (Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology ).
Period: July to October 2016
Financed by Green Shield Technologies (GST)
PhD supervision
Student: Thibaut SENAC
Titre français: développement d'un simulateur d'apprentissage d'un geste d'anesthésiste : la péridurale,
Keywords:: Haptics, Simulation, Hands-on Training, Pneumatic Control
Research project: PERISIM
PhD Director Laurent KRAHENBUHL (École Centrale de Lyon)
Supervisors Richard MOREAU (INSA Lyon) and Arnaud LELEVE
Period: started in September 2016, to be defended in 2019
Financed by Ecole Doctorale EEA Lyon
Summary: Context : the training of epidural procedure requires numerous trials before being mastered: the success rate is about 80% after 90 attempts, which is not sufficient to perform the gesture on a patient. Yet, the medical students do not have so many opportunities to train on this gesture. Moreover, manikins, animals and cadavers are not sufficiently realistic to train oneself effectively.
The objective of this PhD work is to design an haptic simulator reproducing the "Loss of Resistance" (LOR) mechanism which helps the anesthetist to know whether the needle is arrived at the rigth place (i.e. epidural space) before injecting some anesthetics or realizing a biopsy.
Method : we will control simultaneously an haptic interface which will guide the needle, considering a fictive patient parameters, to reproduce the needle insertion, and also a pneumatic cylinder which will reproduce the feelings provided by the LOR syringe. Various control laws will be tested (position and stiffness backstepping, sliding mode, hybrid system, ...) in order to reproduce the real operation as faithfully as possible.
Publications: click here
Keywords: Endovascular Surgery, Medical Robotics
Student: Iris NAUDIN
Supervised with: Richard MOREAU
Master: Surgical Sciences
Project:: RACES
Period: 2016-2017
Remarks: Iris won the award Antonin Poncet 2016-17 for this work.
Student: Angel LICONA
Keywords:: Haptics, Simulation, Hands-on Training, Dual-User
Supervised with Minh Tu PHAM (director)
Period: started in January 2017, defended in March 2020
Financed by CONACYT Mexico
Summary :
Haptic simulators usually provide solutions to autonomously train oneself without any danger, typically to perform repetitive attempts to get familiar or to improve oneself on a given gesture. It can correspond to usual gestures to get used to or for rare and difficult cases which could be encountered in real life but which need to be mastered, more particularly under stress conditions. Nevertheless, for difficult cases, it remains useful for a trainer to guide the trainees’ motions, while keeping the advantages of haptic simulators, for a more accurate and efficient training. Classically, a trainer can directly guide the hands of a trainee to perform a correct motion. Yet, this ”four hand fellowship” does not permit for the trainee to feel and dose the correct level of force to apply on their device in case of interaction of their tool with its environment as the efforts are shared between both persons.
Dual-user systems have been designed in a first approach as a mean for two operators to cooperate remotely on a shared task. To do so, these systems extend the master-slave classical teleoperation architecture by adding a second master manipulated by a second operator. In fact, a dual-user system can be seen as a particular case of more generic multiple master/single slave (MMSS) teleoperation systems. The main concept with dual-user systems is that the users share the slave control according to a dominance factor (α ∈ [0, 1]). When α = 1 (respectively 0), the trainer (respectively trainee) has full control Chebbi et al.on the trainee’s (respectively trainer’s) device and on the slave. When 0 < α < 1, both users share the slave control with a dominance (over the other user) which is function of α. According to the architectures found in the literature, the effect of α on the force feedback provided to the users differs. Their usage has then been enlarged from cooperation to training purposes by Chebbi et al. [1] Indeed, dual-user systems are a practicable solution to the problem of rendering the four hand fellowship in the haptic training: it can reproduce this important force information simultaneously to both users, each one interacting with their own haptic interface. Nonetheless, solutions found in the literature do not permit a clear force training (during demonstrations and evaluations) nor they enable the addition of other trainees in the same simulation without dramatically increasing the complexity of the architecture.
This work is based on the ESC Energy-based Dual-User architecture designed by a former PhD student from the Robotics Working Group of Ampere laboratory: Fei Liu [2]. This architecture enabled the aforementioned force training for a one-degree-of-freedom system. This work has been extended to n dof at first for same haptic devices (joint control) and then to simulators where the slave device has different kinematics compared to the master ones (cartesian control). An adaptive mechanism to permit to automatically change the value of α and set the authority back to the trainer when the trainee performs a bad/dangerous gesture, had been designed by Fei Liu. In this work, we enhanced it by decreasing the number of parameters from 3 to 1 which makes it easier for the trainer to tune it according to the current task. This architecture has also been expanded to host several trainees for parallel demonstrations and public evaluations, with a linear raise of complexity in the architecture’s design. At last, a first user feedback has been performed to evaluate the pedagogical usefulness but the experiments were not conclusive. A new experimental protocol is proposed.
[1] Chebbi, B.; Lazaroff, D.; Bogsany, F.; Liu, P. X.; Ni, L. & Rossi, M. Design and implementation of a collaborative virtual haptic surgical training system IEEE International Conference Mechatronics and Automation, 2005, 2005, 1, 315-320 Vol. 1
[2] Dual-user haptic training system, PhD thesis, defended on 09/22/2016 at INSA Lyon, France
Student: Benjamin DELBOS
Keywords:: Haptics, Simulation, Hands-on Training
Supervised with Richard MOREAU and Rémi CHALARD
Period: started in September 2021, to be defended in 2024
Financed by INSA Lyon
Scientific field and context:
This subject is in the field of medical robotics, more precisely haptic simulation for learning medical gestures, and responds directly to the expectation of the High Authority of Health: "Never the first time on a patient".
Ventricular drainage is commonly performed in neurosurgery departments or in the emergency
room. It consists of inserting a catheter into the brain, using a needle, until it reaches the frontal horn to drain cerebrospinal fluid for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes [1]. The clinical routine is to insert this needle blindly. The only indication of success is the sudden loss of resistance when the ventricle is reached [2].Currently, it is fundamental that a neurosurgeon be able to perform this gesture "by hand".Indeed, the assistance systems (e.g. ROSA robot [7]) are unusual and expensive. However, the learning of
this gesture is only performed by companionship: there is no effective simulator for training in this type of surgery (neither anatomical mannequins [3] nor current Virtual Reality simulators [4-6]). However, the risks of causing serious after-effects for the patient are high.
Objectives of the thesis:
The main objective consists in designing and prototyping a haptic simulator [8] for the training of the ventricular drainage gesture in neurosurgical operations. The haptic interface manipulated by the learner will be specific to this gesture in order to reproduce conditions close to reality. The gestures performed during real operations will be analyzed and processed in order to propose a tool for a fast and objective evaluation of gestures during simulations.
The simulator will have to be able to customize the training sessions based on data specific to each patient (preoperative MRI images) to reduce the risk of errors during the surgical procedure.
Scientific problems:
Expected contributions:
Research program and proposed scientific approach:
During the drainage, the surgeon will use the shape of the skull and in particular the position of the patient's nose and ears as anatomical landmarks. The first part of the project will focus on thedesign of a realistic skull/ear/nose combination. Indeed, during each ventricular puncture, the position of the hole through which the surgeon will insert the needle plays a major role in the
success of the procedure. In practice, the surgeon relies on the positioning of the ears and nose to choose the location of the cranial drilling. These organs also serve as a reference point when the needle is inserted. Finally, he uses the patient's skull as a support point during the procedure. For all these reasons, it seems necessary to design physical cranial reproductions allowing the
simulator to gain in realism. Different sizes of skulls can be developed for pediatric surgery. It will also be necessary to use tools similar to those used in the operating room in order to accentuate the immersion of the simulator. A needle substitute will have to be mounted on the robot and allow the same movements as the real needle.
It will be necessary to develop control laws on a Haption robot in order to realistically reproduce the sensation of needle penetration [12] through the brain and the ventricle. One can refer to the work of Ma. de los Angeles ALAMILLA-DANIEL on joint puncture [13] and to the various tests already carried out on the laboratory's test platform. This stage will require, among other things, a bibliographical study of the mechanical properties of the brain in order to be able to reproduce them with adapted and innovative control laws, always with the aim of pushing the realism of the haptic simulator to its paroxysm.
The third theme will deal with training and feedback. It will be necessary to work on the creation of an augmented universe allowing to navigate in the brain and to see the ventricle from the MRI images of the patients in which it will be necessary to be able to locate the trajectory of the needle [14]. This step is crucial in addressing the challenges of training new surgeons in this surgical
procedure. Indeed, the creation of an augmented environment allowing the observation of the brain following different MRI slices and showing the needle trajectory during ventricular puncture training will facilitate the feedback of the expert surgeon accompanying the novice. It will also allow the learner to contextualize and visualize his mistakes or success in a learning process.
Finally, it will be necessary to work on the feedback given to the learner following his training. To do this, it will be necessary to classify the operations of novices and experts in order to better identify the difficulties of the gesture and personalize the training of each novice. This theme could be based on some of the laboratory work that has already addressed this subject. Indeed, in the
context of the PhD work of M. SENAC [15], different machine learning methods have been implemented to analyze the gestures of novices and experts. The objective was to determine the characteristics of the gestures performed in order to highlight the differences between experts and novices and thus offer novices personalized training with dedicated exercises. Thus supervised and unsupervised methods were implemented and compared in order to find the most appropriate
methods in our case. This work already followed on from the work carried out in the laboratory as
part of Mrs CIFUENTES' doctoral thesis [16], which focused on the determination of objective
criteria for the analysis of medical procedures. Based on previous work, this approach will allow us
to optimize the learning curves of learners with personalized and targeted feedback.
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accuracy: is there a need for change in practice? Neurosurgery 2009;65(6):1197–200.
[2] Banerjee, P. Pat, et al. "Accuracy of ventriculostomy catheter placement using a head-and hand-
tracked high-resolution virtual reality simulator with haptic feedback." Journal of neurosurgery
107.3 (2007) : 515- 521
[3] Zhuang Jianghui, He Bingwei, et al. "Development and Application of a Simulated Puncture
Model for Lateral Ventricle". China Medical Equipment (2018), 33 (5), 32-35
[4] Manchester, Nigel John, and Nigel W. John. "A vrml simulator for ventricular catheterization.",
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[5] Luciano, Cristian, et al. "Second generation haptic ventriculostomy simulator using the
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[6] Zhongyi Chen, Yuqing Liu, et al. "Application of mixed reality-based lateral ventricle puncture
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[11] Alex Tsui, Devin Fenton, Phong Vuong, Joel Hass, Patrice Koehl, Nina Amenta, David Coeurjolly,
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Asilomar, California (États-Unis), pp. 487-498. HAL : hal-00974838
[12] Thibault Senac, Arnaud Lelevé, Richard Moreau, Laurent Krähenbühl, Florent Sigwalt, et al..
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[13] Ma de los Angeles Alamilla Daniel, Richard Moreau, Redarce Tanneguy. Development of haptic
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[16] Jenny Cifuentes-Quintero, Minh Tu Pham, Pierre Boulanger, Richard Moreau, Flavio Prieto.
Towards a classification of surgical skills using affine velocity. IET Science Measurement and
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